All hail Ziltoid!

#151432 by JuZ
Sun Jun 03, 2007 5:26 pm
Yanko wrote:
Biert wrote:Triggered != Programmed ;)

*i'm a drummer


a purist one, actually, cause i hate triggering, and yet you don't see me complaining about DKFH :D
I mostly think that hey, if you can't play, then don't play. You either do it with no triggering orrr program the whole shit. I also think vinyl DOES sound better than CDs, so hey, i'll just fuck off :lol:

:lol: In your horse and carriage to work on your new barn, perhaps?


#151440 by Josiah Tobin
Sun Jun 03, 2007 7:49 pm
Noodles wrote:i just hate clicky bass drums

Glad I'm not the only one. Well to be fair I don't hate them, but I prefer more of a tangible 'thump' (or even a looser 'boom' kind of sound depending on the music) with plenty of mids as well as the obligatory low end. In general I don't care for the sound of triggers, really, despite a lot of my programmed drums sounding a lot like the digital 'click' of most triggers used in metal... I can be a hypocrite. ;) (most of the time it's simply because I can't find the perfect drum sound through samples though)

#151560 by Yanko
Mon Jun 04, 2007 6:09 pm
JuZ wrote:
Yanko wrote:
Biert wrote:Triggered != Programmed ;)

*i'm a drummer


a purist one, actually, cause i hate triggering, and yet you don't see me complaining about DKFH :D
I mostly think that hey, if you can't play, then don't play. You either do it with no triggering orrr program the whole shit. I also think vinyl DOES sound better than CDs, so hey, i'll just fuck off :lol:

:lol: In your horse and carriage to work on your new barn, perhaps?


That's it, i won't take this kind of thing anymore!

*whip crack*
*wooden wheel sound*


and i gotta jump in the "i don't like clicky bassdrums" bandwagon. But truth to be told: it's quite hard (on my -lack of- experience, i'd say REALLY hard) to have heavy layered music like dev's and mix the bassdrums in a way that they sound fat, and still cut through the mix. So we just have to accept the clicky ones for the sake of... well, hearing them at all :P

And josiah, you're excused, Borerer is fucking ace :D

#151614 by Rahovart
Tue Jun 05, 2007 10:38 am
I'm just happy cos I love clicky bassdrums! Perhaps me inclining towards my liking for black metal.

Either way, its aaaaall good!

#151643 by Josiah Tobin
Tue Jun 05, 2007 4:24 pm
Yanko wrote:And josiah, you're excused, Borerer is fucking ace :D

Aww, thanks. :wink:
I think any 'click' on that record was either very minimal or buried somewhere in the background, so I'm not too much of a hypocrite I suppose. :P

EDIT: Oh, by the way... It's not actually that hard to get a non-clicky bass drum to cut through a heavily layered mix. One of the projects I'm working on right now is layered to the point of utter insanity and I have a nice thump-y, open kick sound that's fairly flat but still sits nicely in the mix. It's not right up front, but that's more a matter of preference for my mix. I think Devin just prefers clicky drums; I think read something awhile back where it was at least mentioned. Not sure.
#152116 by AlucardXIX
Sun Jun 10, 2007 10:32 pm
Eth Eonel wrote:
IronMaiden736 wrote:In the booklet there is no mention of it under the equipment used.

That's not entirely true, though. It says "Toontrack EzDrummer", which is the drum plug-in where Drumkit from Hell (one of several drumkits) is included.

Then he used EZ Drummer, which is Toontrack's newest DFH program, and what i use. It has a Drum Kit From Hell addon for metal and what not, and its not that bad sounding.

#153167 by Rockinharry
Fri Jun 22, 2007 6:55 am
During the first listen through of Ziltoid I felt a slight disappointment regarding drum sound (expecting fat and punchy Gene Hoglan style drums) and few little things in a musical context (some drum hits, in particular snare too tight when a bit of non perfect human feel would add more to some of the songs groove). But that´s the wrong approach actually, since you need to listen through Ziltoid in one session and you notice that everything´s perfectly at the right place and pulling out single musical ideas and drum hits is..nonsense! All musical pieces fit nicely together and at the second listening session, there´s no more thinking of that Ziltoid should be different as it is, including some odd sounding Cymbal sounds or other small things that could be disturbing to a (drummer) purist.

I do also use Drumsamplers (Battery) for songwriting and demo recording purposes, beeing able to play a little bit of the stuff on real drums myself (beeing guitarist), so I have highest appreciation of what Devin achieved on Ziltoid drum wise! What you hear on Ziltoid I would call "mechanized Gene Hoglan"! Respect! Devin knows how to get drums played (programmed) and surely doesn´t need much support from a real drummer outside technical stuff related to the DFH software maybe.

Another important matter, as with other of Devin´s albums, having a good HIFI desk/speakers helps much (I have shitty ones) for the overall enjoyment. ....and play loud!
:twisted: 8)

#153176 by danceswithchickens
Fri Jun 22, 2007 8:39 am
I think the drum sound on Ziltoid works because it sounds real when it should (Hyperdrive, The Greys) and when it doesn't sound real (By Your Command, Solar Winds) it suits the song very well.

#153732 by Oetzi
Sat Jun 30, 2007 4:27 am
It definitely is the drumkit from hell as I own a copy and it sounds just like the drumming on ziltoid. I love the really tight drum sound the DFH gives you. So good

#153762 by The Oid
Sat Jun 30, 2007 5:13 pm
I like the drumming on Ziltoid. I like industrial music, so a slightly synthetic sound that doesn't sound like a real drummer can be a good thing for me. I particularly like the blocks of really fast kick drum hits on Ziltoidia Attax, where it goes along with the guitar. You could do that with a real drummer, but it'd have a completely different effect, and wouldn't sound as cool in my opinion.

That said, I'm not really a drummer, I'm more interested in guitars, so I don't tend to pay attention to drums that much, so they do the job for me. It was mainly Ziltoidia Attax where the drums stood out for me as sounding particularly cool.

#153882 by Abnormal Freak
Mon Jul 02, 2007 5:03 pm
The Oid wrote:I like the drumming on Ziltoid. I like industrial music, so a slightly synthetic sound that doesn't sound like a real drummer can be a good thing for me. I particularly like the blocks of really fast kick drum hits on Ziltoidia Attax, where it goes along with the guitar. You could do that with a real drummer, but it'd have a completely different effect, and wouldn't sound as cool in my opinion.

That said, I'm not really a drummer, I'm more interested in guitars, so I don't tend to pay attention to drums that much, so they do the job for me. It was mainly Ziltoidia Attax where the drums stood out for me as sounding particularly cool.

And I'm with this person on all points on this issue. Well, except for being more interested in guitars than drums.

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