I'm sick of all these ridiculously deep tunings!
UP-tuning is the new black! Tune your guitars one octave UP I say!
UP-tuning is the new black! Tune your guitars one octave UP I say!

Das Schuetzenfest wrote:I'm sick of all these ridiculously deep tunings!
UP-tuning is the new black! Tune your guitars one octave UP I say!
superhydroyeast wrote:I did test out devin's guitar tuning before and found that because of the way the tuning is set, there are two of the same note either side of the note in the middle which would be a fifth lower than the note above and a seventh higher than the note below, creating what we call a "powerchord". this is what allows dev to switch from powerchords. I found that it makes sweeping and knowing where the notes are gonna be a hell of a lot easier too. either way, it's fun =D.Eh, what? Seventh is in no way part of the power chord. PC consists of the root note and the fifth and the optional octave. Are you talking about frets? What are you talking about?
eking wrote:i'm new here so i'm glad we're talking about devs gear.well guys,when i try to play his songs i use c g c f a d and it sounds preety accurate,you don't need 7 strings.he said something on the dvd but i didnt pay attention but i'm thinkin'about getting me 5150.You need the seven string if you want to play the songs Devin uses one in. Yeah, some of them dont use the upper register, but do you really want to keep tuning down and up when you want to do the different songs? Its pretty inconvienient
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