Goat wrote:Yappityyap yapyapyap yapyap yap yap yapyapyapyap.
Agree, 100%, true as hell, statement of the century, go on, can't get enough of this! Luv ya my Goatified Homeboy!

Goat wrote:Yappityyap yapyapyap yapyap yap yap yapyapyapyap.
Planet Rain wrote:Wow, interesting
Is it comical?
chiller wrote:You guys were disappointed with Synchestra? I thought it was one of Devin's best albums yet. I read a few bad reviews for Synchestra and I just don't get it. Listen to it again. It's probably better than you remember it.synchestra was OK it had its moments but it dont compare to say infinity, biomech, or terria. or hell even physcist. IMHO
Zombielord1985 wrote:chiller wrote:You guys were disappointed with Synchestra? I thought it was one of Devin's best albums yet. I read a few bad reviews for Synchestra and I just don't get it. Listen to it again. It's probably better than you remember it.synchestra was OK it had its moments but it dont compare to say infinity, biomech, or terria. or hell even physcist. IMHO
chiller wrote:Zombielord1985 wrote:chiller wrote:You guys were disappointed with Synchestra? I thought it was one of Devin's best albums yet. I read a few bad reviews for Synchestra and I just don't get it. Listen to it again. It's probably better than you remember it.synchestra was OK it had its moments but it dont compare to say infinity, biomech, or terria. or hell even physcist. IMHO
Woah! I don't see that at all. I'm not going to say which is the best but Synchestra is easily on par or better than Infinity, OM, Terria, and Physisct. To me it has the biggest emotional impact. Could you be more specific on why you don't like it that much? I think some of you are judging it on the automatic if it's new then it's not as good as the older stuff rating system. Which sadly seems to be the music rating standard.
Zombielord1985 wrote:synchestra was OK it had its moments but it dont compare to say infinity, biomech, or terria.
Matt Nevens wrote:Ziltoid, i agree, is the best Devin album since Terria, i wont give anything else away yet!
Ike wrote:chiller wrote:Zombielord1985 wrote:chiller wrote:You guys were disappointed with Synchestra? I thought it was one of Devin's best albums yet. I read a few bad reviews for Synchestra and I just don't get it. Listen to it again. It's probably better than you remember it.synchestra was OK it had its moments but it dont compare to say infinity, biomech, or terria. or hell even physcist. IMHO
Woah! I don't see that at all. I'm not going to say which is the best but Synchestra is easily on par or better than Infinity, OM, Terria, and Physisct. To me it has the biggest emotional impact. Could you be more specific on why you don't like it that much? I think some of you are judging it on the automatic if it's new then it's not as good as the older stuff rating system. Which sadly seems to be the music rating standard.
well, i can't talk for the others, but i totally agree with putting inf, om, terria and phsssst over synchestra. well, maybe not terria. and of course, i still dig synch very much!
see: with terria, but even more with ae, devin has changed his style of writing quite a bit. lots of us got into his music before that and dig the old records for the rather simple, but mighty melodies, the more "primitive" production and the fresher ideas. that's why i dig physicist so much: it's one courageous but simple idea, put into a clearly understandable record.
it's like he created the basic pieces for his musical world on those older records and now starts to work with them.
with the newer records, since ae, i often feel like it's just too much of everything, but at the same time not pointy or defined enough to hold my attention over the whole playing time. synchestra is mighty, contains bazillions of fine moments, and can surely touch you, but from the second half on, it also becomes a massively layered mountain of emotional heaviness that i can hardly enjoy. it kinda forces me into a state that i find hard to deal with. pulls me down in some way. i can understand that many people like that, though, but i'd love that record much more if it had more gaia/notes from africa and less judgement/lullaby.
synch would be one of my faves if he had left out those deep, slow and "tragic" parts in the second half of the record. but as it is, it's just too much of everything and too little of something definite. that's also the reason why i can't enjoy ae as a whole.
one word about the production. making city or infinity sound like they do was surely a hard task, and they are both loaded with sounds. but still, they leave some free space for the mind to explore. om is even so vast and cool that it literally cleans your head, although it's a really deep and touching record. but terria is already so compressed and stuffed that it can crush you, and synchestra is even more like that. this kind of sound works for phsssst or syl, but it hardly helps a record like synchestra.
well, you didn't ask me, but i just felt like being precise on that topic. maybe some of the older fans share my point of view.
and maybe, some of the pirates can tell me where ZTO stands from that perspective. maybe?
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