All hail Ziltoid!

#143892 by gingerscotsman
Sat Mar 24, 2007 3:04 pm
Reading the comments on blabbermouth on the latest Ziltoid news, no wonder Dev is bummed. :(

There really are some idiots on that site. Don't listen to any of these idiots Devin! They are probably about 12 anyway! :)

#143895 by hog
Sat Mar 24, 2007 4:47 pm
Very true Ginger Scotsman.

Dev, as long as your happy that is all that matters. It must be a massive pressure being in the limelight when you really come across as a quiet gentleman (not on stage). :)

#143896 by Tracy
Sat Mar 24, 2007 6:36 pm
gingerscotsman wrote:Reading the comments on blabbermouth on the latest Ziltoid news, no wonder Dev is bummed. :(

Why do people do that? Why do people feel the need to spread everything everywhere? We release some information to our "fanbase" then it gets put over to a place like Blabbermouth where it's all taken out of context and twisted into something gross.

It's like when Devin wrote a personal Christmas greeting to the mailing list a couple of years ago and someone posted it there where it became public fodder. This internet has eliminated the personal. Not everything should be up for scrutiny and debate, some things are just for fun and should stay that way.

#143897 by JuZ
Sat Mar 24, 2007 6:48 pm
Tracy wrote:
gingerscotsman wrote:Reading the comments on blabbermouth on the latest Ziltoid news, no wonder Dev is bummed. :(

Why do people do that? Why do people feel the need to spread everything everywhere? We release some information to our "fanbase" then it gets put over to a place like Blabbermouth where it's all taken out of context and twisted into something gross.

It's like when Devin wrote a personal Christmas greeting to the mailing list a couple of years ago and someone posted it there where it became public fodder. This internet has eliminated the personal. Not everything should be up for scrutiny and debate, some things are just for fun and should stay that way.

I remember that. It was a total pain in the backside and one of the reasons I refuse to go near Blabbermouth. The relative anonymity of the net allows insecure people to exercise their egos by taking potshots at others. It's why I love and hate the internet in equal measures. It's such a great source of information and (sometimes) a lot of fun. But then it turns around and bites you by calling you an "@55#01e".

It's easy enough for 'us' to avoid places like Blabbermouth. Perhaps it's not for Dev and yourself, given your obviously different circumstances. As much as I like hearing from Devin on this forum, you should obviously do whatever you feel is best for you guys.

Thanks for the great music!

#143898 by Kristopher
Sat Mar 24, 2007 7:03 pm
Guys... this is gonna be a classic.... Even if only understood by the true fans... It is gonna be a classic.
Ive not read, or intent to read whatever got or is getting said on blabbermouth... This forum is all the info I need, and the info here is discussed by the true 'fans' for want of a better word. And everyone here seems level headed.
The world is a viscious backstabbing slimepit of betrayal, and no matter how strong minded you are... this crapdump planet will get you down...
But Dev... now that dude always stands back up and delivers, despite how demented this world is.
Dose up on the black coffe and zip the hell through this place, leaving a big coffee turd stain all over this messed up world.... and do it the way you wanna man.
Ziltoid is gonna destroy! Awesomeness.

#143899 by Eyesore
Sat Mar 24, 2007 9:20 pm
Tracy wrote:
gingerscotsman wrote:Reading the comments on blabbermouth on the latest Ziltoid news, no wonder Dev is bummed. :(

Why do people do that? Why do people feel the need to spread everything everywhere? We release some information to our "fanbase" then it gets put over to a place like Blabbermouth where it's all taken out of context and twisted into something gross.

It's like when Devin wrote a personal Christmas greeting to the mailing list a couple of years ago and someone posted it there where it became public fodder. This internet has eliminated the personal. Not everything should be up for scrutiny and debate, some things are just for fun and should stay that way.

Blabbermouth is a love/hate website. It's awesome because it's the central place for music news, even though they post a ton of worthless crap; but it sucks because it breeds internet hatred. It truly does. Blabbermouth put out this stupid disclaimer a few months back saying they'd ban those people who post negative things—basically everyone that posts there. It never happened. I mean, it's all negative. People post their hate-filled nonsense, and then those who don't do that against the bands, do it against those that do it against the bands. It's a vicious cycle, and Roadrunner should completely get rid of the comments section under the news posts and the reviews. It's worthless, and it does the bands an injustice.

The worst part is that you know 95% of the idiots posting there are utterly ignorant on what they're talking about. These are the kids that threaten to kick your ass from a third story window, but won't come down and actually kick your ass. It's pathetic. Sadly, it's the nature of the net these days. One of my favorites forums (at is 90% negative bullshit. People would rather talk shit about bands than discuss bands they love. A nu-metal thread will turn into a 30-page turdfest, while a thread about Iron Maiden will have four people talking back and forth over two pages. It disgusts me.

Also, Blabbermouth needs a filter on what does and doesn't get posted. Why the fuck would any of us care that Blaze Bailey is no longer bald because he used some sort of hair treatment? Honestly, that is Blabbermouth feeding the piranhas. They want that to happen. Bands should band together and protest Blabbermouth.

#143902 by Bungdeetle
Sat Mar 24, 2007 11:41 pm
Guys. Guys. Enough angst. Leave those vultures to their narrow lives.

Anyway, we should be busy celebrating the fact that Ziltoid doesn't want to destroy us anymore! Let's all give him a hug. ^_^

Aw, while we're at it let's all give Devin a hug!

#143903 by KantQontrolMyself
Sun Mar 25, 2007 12:27 am
This is going to be so goddamn amazing! And apparently, it's going to invent the genre of Infinity metal. Awesome!

#143904 by FUBAR
Sun Mar 25, 2007 1:43 am
Hey guys I posted a thread about The Ziltoid cover on Travis Smiths' forum heres what he said about it;

"Thanks. This is going to be Rad. It's really hard to finish something when you can't stop laughing. (in a good way).

I didn't realize that was posted already. Cool. That whole B Movie thing is right on. Kind of a mix between Mars Attacks and Dark Crystal, with generous Helpings of Plan 9 and Flash Gordon (at least that's where my mind was for it.) The coffee thing also plays a big part here. In more ways than one.


#143905 by funny_little_guy
Sun Mar 25, 2007 1:49 am
Just wanted to say I think Ziltoid is gonna be awesome, the cover looks amazing. Blabbermouth isn't worth looking at . Just 13 year old kids trying to sound tough on the net, pay no mind Devin we appreciate it all.

#143915 by Goat
Sun Mar 25, 2007 6:02 am
Tracy wrote:
gingerscotsman wrote:Reading the comments on blabbermouth on the latest Ziltoid news, no wonder Dev is bummed. :(

Why do people do that? Why do people feel the need to spread everything everywhere? We release some information to our "fanbase" then it gets put over to a place like Blabbermouth where it's all taken out of context and twisted into something gross.

It's like when Devin wrote a personal Christmas greeting to the mailing list a couple of years ago and someone posted it there where it became public fodder. This internet has eliminated the personal. Not everything should be up for scrutiny and debate, some things are just for fun and should stay that way.

It's the logic of the weakest link that runs the show. You release a personal info for the fanbase. Hundreds of people don't spread it around, 3500 people might not spread it around, but one, the weakest link, who can't help himself, who thinks "if I won't do it, someone else will", eventually does. It's a structural necessity. The real question is, why do those out of context comments hurt so much? Even if you perfectly well know those people who posted them don't have a clue and don't care and all, it still gets to you. Is it because someone will read it and base his judgement on it? Naah, one who does that is of the same kind as the hate-poster.
The way I would approach this for my inner peace is make up in advance the most bizarre hate posts possible on the given subject and see what the fuckheads can bring on. Soon you'll see they are not even creative in what they do, infact hate posts are so fucking predictable it's boring, you can even insult yourself better than they can. It's been said countless times: ignore those type of comments or read them for your own amusement. It doesn't have an impact on the people that count. We know what's the deal.

Eyesore wrote:Roadrunner should completely get rid of the comments section under the news posts and the reviews. It's worthless, and it does the bands an injustice.

Exactly. That comment section does seem a bit redundant, there's no info whatsoever to be found in the comments, they have no value, except the infamous "my opinion" one which never did anything but fucking sucked.

#143919 by JuZ
Sun Mar 25, 2007 6:31 am
FUBAR wrote:Hey guys I posted a thread about The Ziltoid cover on Travis Smiths' forum heres what he said about it;

"Thanks. This is going to be Rad. It's really hard to finish something when you can't stop laughing. (in a good way).

I didn't realize that was posted already. Cool. That whole B Movie thing is right on. Kind of a mix between Mars Attacks and Dark Crystal, with generous Helpings of Plan 9 and Flash Gordon (at least that's where my mind was for it.) The coffee thing also plays a big part here. In more ways than one.


Mars Attacks was one of my first thoughts, and it's exactly the sort of theme I was hoping for. I love that movie. I also love Queen's Flash Gordon soundtrack, so a little Queen influence in the music would be a delight.

#143924 by Yanko
Sun Mar 25, 2007 8:23 am
FUBAR wrote:Hey guys I posted a thread about The Ziltoid cover on Travis Smiths' forum heres what he said about it;

"Thanks. This is going to be Rad. It's really hard to finish something when you can't stop laughing. (in a good way).

I didn't realize that was posted already. Cool. That whole B Movie thing is right on. Kind of a mix between Mars Attacks and Dark Crystal, with generous Helpings of Plan 9 and Flash Gordon (at least that's where my mind was for it.) The coffee thing also plays a big part here. In more ways than one.


it's incredible how the influences he cited make COMPLETE sense :D
It's all there, Mars Attacks, Dark Crystal, Plan 9 and Flash Gordon
cool as hell :D

#143934 by Ike
Sun Mar 25, 2007 11:23 am
that cover artwork looks like it should be on a vinyl record, for the big size.

and about that blabbermouth problem: really folx, don't go there!

#143936 by Seems like Trav
Sun Mar 25, 2007 11:29 am
JuZ wrote:
FUBAR wrote:Hey guys I posted a thread about The Ziltoid cover on Travis Smiths' forum heres what he said about it;

"Thanks. This is going to be Rad. It's really hard to finish something when you can't stop laughing. (in a good way).

I didn't realize that was posted already. Cool. That whole B Movie thing is right on. Kind of a mix between Mars Attacks and Dark Crystal, with generous Helpings of Plan 9 and Flash Gordon (at least that's where my mind was for it.) The coffee thing also plays a big part here. In more ways than one.


Mars Attacks was one of my first thoughts, and it's exactly the sort of theme I was hoping for. I love that movie. I also love Queen's Flash Gordon soundtrack, so a little Queen influence in the music would be a delight.

Well, just to be clear, i was only speaking for where MY mind was during the process, not trying to describe the project itself - as that's better left to Dev, of course. We traded a few ideas along the way and those are what stuck in my head.

I just wanted to drop in here really quick and thank everyone for the comments. Especially Dev.


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