Post HevyDevy fan art, covers, mashups, guitar tabs, etc here

#143537 by Biert
Tue Mar 20, 2007 12:50 pm
Can mandolins be downtuned? To Open C?

#143566 by Goat
Tue Mar 20, 2007 6:39 pm
Regular tuning for mandolins and mandolas is GDAE (fifths!), mandolas one octave lower, and mandoloncello is tuned CGDA (also fifths, GDA like mandola and the lower C), which is perfect if you ask me. Anyting with strings is of course retunable.

Yeah, David, I'm working on it. You must understand I'm new in this orchestra of 25 or something members, and only three or four of them occasionally listen to metal. There are also peeps who are over fifty and not very good musicians, but are in the orchestra for ten, fifteen, twenty years. They have a say in what goes through and what not. Shitstorm for them is definitely too much of a wtf and too demanding, so they will not automatically fall in love with my proposal. I have to work slowly, introducing it to the right members at the right time. I'm completely dedicated to passing it through, but I have to work carefully. If this version is too much, I'll dumb it down, I don't care, I'll rearrange it lounge style, make a ballad, whatever.
The sextet we formed within the orchestra is now for it, it took me the quote of Jed "you better play it and you better record it" to finally break the ice. I just have to do something for the acoustic guitar and then write out the separate parts.

Shitstorm will prevail! :D

#143691 by Blazingmonga
Thu Mar 22, 2007 11:04 am
Thats good to hear dude! Dont give in.

Even if you could record a version yourself, or using whoever does agree to it...that would be very impressive. I am sure Jed would be over the moon!

Of course, the thought of all 25 of you playing it is an amazing one!

Keep it up my good man...

#143712 by Goat
Thu Mar 22, 2007 6:57 pm
Am I to understand that the powers of mango support my quest? :D

#144928 by Goat
Sat Apr 07, 2007 4:39 pm
Update. Now with acoustic guitars, which steers it away from the original, because I took some liberty in arrangement. It sounds less accurate also because of the crapy PT-to-midi con-version.
Ending is also complete, should sound beautiful with real instruments. This is how we will play it, although I will of course make some changes here and there. Here's the link:
Enjoy. :D

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