Don't think so. Dev hasn't posted any new news since this so presumably its still up in the air...
shut up and kiss me you walking infection
Eyesore wrote:Has the album title been finalized yet?
Pick whichever title you find most fitting! Be it Ziltoid The Omniscient, The Mighty Masturbator, The Puppet, a combination of those or something you choose yourself. It's all free

Biert Is Extraordinarily Rad & Terrific | D* | Proud member of the VVV

"It's the unicorns paparazzi. They have finally found you and are coming to take you home, prince Biert." -- Faffy | D* | Proud member of the VVV

"It's the unicorns paparazzi. They have finally found you and are coming to take you home, prince Biert." -- Faffy
The Omniscient Puppet Masturbator.
Why not?
Why not?
Poo Poo Face
Goat wrote:I know what the F stands for.
Psssst, don't tell anyone.

We are Strapping Young Lad from Canada and you are not.
Goat wrote:I know what the F stands for.
You're right!
Poo Poo Face
Biert wrote:Deadline: March 1stgozu wrote:so when do you want them sent?Biert wrote:Er, soon after march 1st?
shut up and kiss me you walking infection
Leechmaster wrote:Biert wrote:Deadline: March 1stgozu wrote:so when do you want them sent?Biert wrote:Er, soon after march 1st?
Correct me but if March the first is the deadline then does this mean that no other picture or whatever is allowed to take part in! So deadline means "End of Game, contest etc". We need to send the "work" out before March the first!

We are Strapping Young Lad from Canada and you are not.
Well I suppose a bit of leeway needs to be given for people who aren't browsing through here every day. That's why it probably won't be a case of "everything must be in on March 1st or we'll send all the board members in your vacinity around to your house to beat you up with large sticks"...
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