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Do you think this is true?

#3859 by thefillersweetcityjesus
Tue Mar 16, 2004 7:23 pm
for those who might be interested, i know it intrigued me..

look around these sites.. its a little weird and hard to believe, frankly i think its just crazy talk but who knows

im curious to see what people who are more intelligent than i think-

#3872 by Falk
Tue Mar 16, 2004 8:50 pm
*Takes his gong and his beard... mmh no, I don't have a beard*
Yeah ! THe apocalypse is coming we're all gonna die !

Huhu, I voted 'yes', but maybe just a bit quickly.
The first link talks about the overpopulation of the planet right ?
There's maybe not a clear limit between "we may live" and "we're all gonna die", but sure we're too much on this planet and we're using way too much ressources...

And it'll take me some concentration to understand the two other links :mrgreen:
What is it about ? The main idea ? Something big, good or bad, should happen soon ?

In any case, I don't really believe in this resonance stories...

I have some interesting links, but it's in french, espanol, or german. It talks about 50000 stones, engraved with differents scenes, from basic ones of everyday life to more advanced ones, like medical operation, brain transplantation, man cohabiting with dinosaures... :shock:

This could mean that there has been another civilisation before 'us', that may have been annihilated by something (meteor...), and had to start all again, engraving its history into those stones.

I don' treally know what to think about all that, but I just think about the fact that in school we don't tell you there's a missing link between monkey and man. I really felt stupid when I learned it a few months or years ago...
I mean, I studied bio in highschool, and never heard about it...
This wouldn't surprise me if high authorities (govs and scientists) decided it is better to hide some things to the population.
Moreover scientists don't like when they can't explain something, and they rather hide it than face the truth they cannot explain.

Here's the link anyway :

#3944 by Apophis
Wed Mar 17, 2004 6:46 am
is that supposed to actually make any sense?

"Last chance to evacuate the Earth,
It's gonna be recycled
Wiped clean, washed over
Your only chance, get of this planet NOW!"

#3956 by thefillersweetcityjesus
Wed Mar 17, 2004 7:26 am
Yeah, if you look aruond carefully everything has links and stuff, and if you peice everything together it makes sense, its logical, and i've seen it mathematically proven through the "novelty theory"
or something crazy like that. Frankly its hard to believe so soon.
I also skimmed a huge essay type thing and at the bottom it said therefore the next cleansing will be through fire, rather than flood. That'll beinteresting. And another thing said when humans build a city in the sky, or something insane like that. However just to warn you guys these are all links i found from a site about DMTs < Halluconogenic drug,like lsd... so these guys are all crazy scientists who take DMT's to talk to god... :shock: i think the main site was about timothy leary...

anywho even if you dont believe it browse around theres links to other stuff about human sanity, religions and what not . its really cool

#3965 by danceswithchickens
Wed Mar 17, 2004 8:15 am
All I know is that Hyperspacial Breakthrough would be one cool name for a band...

#4003 by Apophis
Wed Mar 17, 2004 11:14 am
thefillersweetcityjesus wrote:Yeah, if you look aruond carefully everything has links and stuff, and if you peice everything together it makes sense, its logical,

makes sense to you maybe... besides that's too much hard work and heavy metal has blunted my IQ no end :evil:

All I know is that Hyperspacial Breakthrough would be one cool name for a band...

i like the sound of Timewave Zero actually, but maybe that's just me

#4030 by Sparky
Wed Mar 17, 2004 1:48 pm
Interesting...but (IMO) it's just a bunch of malarky. :roll:

#4034 by Catatonik
Wed Mar 17, 2004 1:57 pm
danceswithchickens wrote:All I know is that Hyperspacial Breakthrough would be one cool name for a band...

Yeah, they would probably, really defenestrate as well. 8)

Okay, in all seriousness, I don't swallow a lot of the it will end here, bunk..

But I do agree that we are taxing our planets resources far beyond its limits, and sooner or later, the price for that will be high. I doubt just getting up and leaving is a viable (or for that matter, moral) solution.

#4114 by thefillersweetcityjesus
Wed Mar 17, 2004 7:04 pm
see, i denied it too but then they explain everything so locically. damn them!

its crazy talk though

#4180 by Catatonik
Thu Mar 18, 2004 1:55 am
Given enough time, I could find a way to make buggering turkeys sound both logical...and necessary.

That doesn't make it right. :lol:

#11665 by Apophis
Tue Apr 13, 2004 5:27 am
Catatonik wrote:Given enough time, I could find a way to make buggering turkeys sound both logical...and necessary.

That doesn't make it right. :lol:

I guess it'd depend if they're frozen or live

#13969 by StrappingYoungLad
Tue Apr 20, 2004 9:36 pm
Hmm..dunno what to make of that. :shock: Quite maybe we should dance and sing and make a musical about it all!

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