All hail Ziltoid!

#139349 by Blazingmonga
Thu Jan 25, 2007 2:18 am
The Dev wrote:Ziltoid also wants you to know that he thinks you're alright.

Awww, thanks Ziltoid! Though we haven't met him yet, I am sure he is alright too.

Tell me, will we get a sneak preview of his almighty image before the main releases?

I'm thinking something along the lines of a cover story on Hello! magazine. Except instead of TomKat or Branjelina's new baby, it is Ziltoid we spot sneaking into a limo...or spacecraft.

#139350 by Turge
Thu Jan 25, 2007 2:56 am
The Dev wrote:the heaviness of syl (kind of like alien)

YYYYYEEESSS! :twisted:

The Dev wrote:whats more metal than a pissed off lizard ostrich alien and a metal symphony?

Beats me.

The Dev wrote:Ziltoid was hatched and condemned to the phantom zone aeons ago, there, he was linked to the most destructive energy in the multiverse when he sympathized with it . This stripped him of his ability to recognize and merge with the infinite, but gave him the ability to destroy. He therefore has issues with the humans who squander their ability to do so and will be arriving to straighten shit out for his own selfish reasons...and remnants of a conscience.

Too... huge...
Cannot... fathom... concept...

The Dev wrote:...Oh and he loves Def Leppard...and prunes.


#139351 by Chris
Thu Jan 25, 2007 3:02 am
I don't mind sounding like a fanboy with a vocabulary limited to phrases like "This is gonna be sooo cool" or "Can't fucking wait" - because I do think that the concept sounds really cool and the sooner I can get my stinky fingers on the album, the better.

Yeah, one question certainly is: (In which form) Will Dev's name appear on it? What about Devin Townsend Presents: Ziltoid The Omniscient


#139356 by Devine
Thu Jan 25, 2007 4:13 am
Awesome news, Devin! Thank you for sharing

I too love Def Leppard and prunes!
Ziltoid's going to rock!

#139358 by Yanko
Thu Jan 25, 2007 5:04 am
by the immense quantity of dev posts and the overall awesome of the subject, i dub this the most amazingly awesome thread in the history of the internet :D

#139363 by Biert
Thu Jan 25, 2007 5:29 am
Pogo pogo!!! :shock:

#139373 by niklang
Thu Jan 25, 2007 9:30 am
Sounds like Dev is super excited about this which means that I'm super excited!

Really not sure what to expect, just awesomeness in spades i reckon.

#139387 by Leechmaster
Thu Jan 25, 2007 12:22 pm
The fact that I can't even begin to get my head around what's gonna come out of this project makes it all the more intriguing... Devs posts being so open about the content and concept of this project's great, but its also making me so damn impatient!

#139409 by ASHORIZZOR
Thu Jan 25, 2007 5:31 pm
So this sounds absolutely incredible! *ASH freaks out while reading* Is there a bigger worker bee than this ultimate Devin Townsend and the hordes which surrounds him? Devin, you crazy genius, this should be nothing but great!

Thanks for the nice update on your work, can't wait to see something of the new stuff! :D

#139410 by Goat
Thu Jan 25, 2007 5:57 pm
The Dev wrote:Ziltoid was hatched and condemned to the phantom zone aeons ago, there, he was linked to the most destructive energy in the multiverse when he sympathized with it . This stripped him of his ability to recognize and merge with the infinite, but gave him the ability to destroy. He therefore has issues with the humans who squander their ability to do so and will be arriving to straighten shit out for his own selfish reasons...and remnants of a conscience. what will happen?

Stay tuned for episode 7, coming in t-minus 4 months. :shock:

...Oh and he loves Def Leppard...and prunes.

Shit, what the hell WILL happen? :o

And did anyone else connect Def Leppard and pruning in an ugly way? :shock:

#139427 by Deth Warmdover
Thu Jan 25, 2007 8:58 pm
Set your faces...and EARS to STUNNED :o ! Ziltoid channeled by Devin Townsend spacemetalmonster..this is going to be sooooo trippy :D

#139438 by kettle
Fri Jan 26, 2007 1:00 am
The Dev wrote:...Oh and he loves Def Leppard

what? post Hysteria too?

He truly is monstrous.

I get embarrassed when I have to explain why I like Def Leppard.

#139483 by junkmonkey
Fri Jan 26, 2007 1:20 pm
just get me one of those sleep chambers from the Alien movies and wake me up when it's out!really lookin forward to it!!!

#139499 by djskrimp
Fri Jan 26, 2007 3:50 pm
kettle wrote:
The Dev wrote:...Oh and he loves Def Leppard

what? post Hysteria too?

He truly is monstrous.

I get embarrassed when I have to explain why I like Def Leppard.

Dude, all you have to say is, "Can YOU sing like Joe Elliot? No? STFU, n00b!"

#139524 by Deth Warmdover
Fri Jan 26, 2007 8:41 pm
djskrimp wrote:
kettle wrote:
The Dev wrote:...Oh and he loves Def Leppard

what? post Hysteria too?

He truly is monstrous.

I get embarrassed when I have to explain why I like Def Leppard.

Dude, all you have to say is, "Can YOU sing like Joe Elliot? No? STFU, n00b!"

heheheh..good one :)

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