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#137871 by Strophe
Wed Jan 10, 2007 2:11 am
Check out our new song, Shatter. Progressive retard metal with a chocolate core. What happens when you add up a metal/rock guitarist/singer, a funk/prog drummer and a classically trained viola player as the bassist? When you listen to the song, it won't come as a surprise when we name Devin as our idol. Or rather Idol. Enjoy!

Sadly the page is in Finnish, but the music is universally incomprehensible.

The page: http://www.mikseri.net/artists/pdg.60193.php
Shatter (mp3): http://www.mikseri.net/music/play.php?id=249928&type=dl
Shatter (stream): http://www.mikseri.net/music/play.php?id=249928&type=hi

#137896 by Josiah Tobin
Wed Jan 10, 2007 10:38 am
Haha, cool stuff. :D The vocalist's singing voice seems a bit wavery, but it's all pretty insane, so no big deal. The viola section was really cool, too... You guys working on an album?

#137917 by Strophe
Thu Jan 11, 2007 1:53 am
The two others spent so much time completing the drums and the bass section that I was pretty knackered by the time I had to play the guitars and sing the whole thing. The guitars were all done in, say, four or five takes and the vocals were done from alpha to omega on one track. Then we had two choices; either spend another few days working on them or leave them as they were, which means positively aggressive and full with feeling. We chose the latter, the "grunge"-style of approach. So no autotune was applied.

We're working on three new songs, which are all ready except the vocals. I can post them here also if there's demand... And one day we hope we can record a whole album! Hope you like our stuff, guys! And thanks for the positive feedback!

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