I'm gonna melt you guys!
#135144 by Mayday
Wed Dec 06, 2006 2:57 am
Who else has already tried this?

The day I got the record, I played it and I got very relaxed and sleepy so I figured it really works the way Dev intended it to, somehow.

So yesterday I tried to fall asleep to it, I put it on repeat and went to sleep. At first I couldn't fall asleep for at least half an hour, because I was concentrating on the music. Then I started thinking about other - preferably nice things. I'm going through a rough phase but somehow I came across this nice girl a few days ago and she eventually became my girlfriend. I fell asleep thinking about her.

I didn't sleep as well as I may be was supposed to, I woke up several times, but fell asleep pretty quickly afterwards. The interesting fact was that I was feeling VERY weird these times, almost as if I've used some mind altering substances.

I remember some dreams I had during these phases of sleep. Although the concrete happenings faded away already, the feelings and atmosphere stayed and I can clearly remember them. They were interesting, almost as if I've had some kind of enlightenment, but also very strange, abstract and ungraspable.

After I woke up I felt like I've been thinking the whole night. Like my mind was functioning at full energy for the whole night. Right now I am rather tired and I know not all of those dreams were positive, but somehow my mind feels cleaner and more clear now. As if the Hummer dug out all of my fears, anger and frustration from my subconscious, made me face it and eventually get over with it. Now I feel more peaceful than yesterday :)

I'm going to try it today, too.

Anyone else tried sleeping while listening to the Hummer?

What are your experiences?

#135146 by djskrimp
Wed Dec 06, 2006 3:34 am
You had the opposite experience than I've had.

I have a very hard time sleeping all through the night. I usually wake up every hour to hour and a half...without fail. I hate it, but it's been my sleep pattern for years.

Well, it was. Ever since I started listening to "The Hummer" when sleeping, I haven't woke up NEARLY as often. I tend to wake up an hour or two before the alarm, but that's it. I feel rested and refreshed in the morning these days. The 6 hours of sleep I get at night are maximized...and I wake up in a REALLY good mood. There have been threads in here about white noise and pink noise and binaural this and thats....whatever it is, it's really working for me. Could it be a placebo? Sure, but I ain't gonna look that horse in it's mouth. I'll just put in the CD and sleep.

---By the way, why is "psycho so matic" <put the whole word together> a censored word?

#135147 by Blazingmonga
Wed Dec 06, 2006 4:15 am
djskrimp wrote:---By the way, why is "psycho so matic" <put the whole word together> a censored word?

I think this is because it has the word 's-o-m-a' in it, which is censored in the spam prevention style-ee.

As for sleeping to The Hummer...well, I have only heard it once all the way through while conscious. I have fallen asleep to it now about 5 times, and every time I have fallen asleep before the end of the first track. The weird tones in that track seem to totally knock me out. Very strange.

In general I find this very comfortable to sleep with. The only problem is that I find it a bit annoying falling asleep with headphones on. I have been waking up at about 3am most times and going 'oh yeah, headphones!' and taking them off so I can roll over. If I didnt live in a shared flat I would be more inclined to listen using my speakers (5.1, around my bed).

At any rate this is an extremely relaxing album. Maybe with more research I can speak of how it has affected my sleep overall.

Interesting reading!

#135153 by niklang
Wed Dec 06, 2006 5:27 am
I tried and fell asleep quite quickly, after i stopped concentrating so much on it. I work up again as the flutes began to play but my girlfriend lying next to me stayed asleep the whole time.

I think I may have had the volume up too high at first but once I got it right it certainly aided my sleep.

#135164 by Coma Divine
Wed Dec 06, 2006 7:29 am
I had it playing almost all of last weekend, non-stop.

I fell asleep immediately both nights, probably because I'd already had it playing and my brain was quite familiar with the sounds by the time I was tired.
The first night I woke up a couple of times when Leonard Cohen was speaking, but the next night I was beyond unconscious. :D

I did notice that after I finally turned it off I felt kinda...not drained...maybe slightly "down"? It was an odd experience.

And it only went away after I shot those 3 people...

NO!! I kid! I jest! That last sentence was a poor attempt at humour. The rest was 100% accurate. :)

#135166 by Blazingmonga
Wed Dec 06, 2006 7:37 am
Coma Divine wrote:NO!! I kid! I jest! That last sentence was a poor attempt at humour. The rest was 100% accurate. :)

Sure sure Dave, sure sure. I know what you 'internet' types are like! With your new dang-fangled killing sprees n'all.

#135176 by Mayday
Wed Dec 06, 2006 9:08 am
heh I'm looking forward to trying it again, but it looks that this night I won't get any sleep at all because suddenly I've got so much work. Well may be next time.

Meanwhile keep posting your experience I think it makes for an interesting read, comparing what other people have experienced while falling asleep to the Hummer 8)

#135177 by Whiplash
Wed Dec 06, 2006 9:11 am
i listened to it with headphones on last night, and during the end of the first track i started to feel dizzy so i closed my eyes. It felt like i was lifted out of my body and my mind was spinning circles around my bed.... is was a very weird but very interesting experience! haha cant wait to listen to it again tonight!

#135181 by Blazingmonga
Wed Dec 06, 2006 9:40 am
I've mentioned this before, but does anyone else find the tones during 'The Hummer' to be incredibly hypnotic? Maybe even euphoric?

The way you describe the first track, Whiplash, is the way I would describe how those tones make me feel.

#135237 by Coma Divine
Wed Dec 06, 2006 7:38 pm
Blazingmonga wrote:I've mentioned this before, but does anyone else find the tones during 'The Hummer' to be incredibly hypnotic? Maybe even euphoric?
It is quite possible.
As I said: once I stopped playing it (which was on my computer in my room, not headphones) I felt a bit vague...possibly some kinda subconscious "withdrawal"?

Dammit Dev! Stop playing with what is left of my brain!! :P

*shakes foot*

#135250 by Blazingmonga
Thu Dec 07, 2006 1:53 am
Coma Divine wrote:
Blazingmonga wrote:I've mentioned this before, but does anyone else find the tones during 'The Hummer' to be incredibly hypnotic? Maybe even euphoric?
It is quite possible.
As I said: once I stopped playing it (which was on my computer in my room, not headphones) I felt a bit vague...possibly some kinda subconscious "withdrawal"?

Dammit Dev! Stop playing with what is left of my brain!! :P

*shakes foot*

Read this article. Some of the related articles are also interesting:


I remember attempting to do this using a feature on Cool Edit. It would filter whatever sample you wanted so that when you listened on headphones it would have this effect. There wasnt much documentation with it though, sadly.

#135251 by djskrimp
Thu Dec 07, 2006 2:05 am
Dev's plan for world domination begins one brain cell at a time....

#135355 by ramionparas
Fri Dec 08, 2006 7:00 am
Just tried it..and wow :shock: ..and had some really crazy dreams..like flying in the air or flying in outerspace :lol:

#135365 by Mayday
Fri Dec 08, 2006 9:54 am
damn I keep waking up so in the end I put it off :(

#135404 by Leechmaster
Fri Dec 08, 2006 3:15 pm
Every night since I got it I've had it on. Speakers some nights, headphones on others. I find it more effective playing on speakers, although it still works like a charm with the headphones on. It helps greatly in putting me to sleep, and when I'm asleep (for the first ten hours or so) waking me up is about as easy as waking the dead, so none of the album ever wakes me from my slumber.

And on the dream subject, I did have an odd one last night about hot-air balloons and wind instruments, but that could just be me... :?

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