Talk about whatever you want to here, but stay correct

#134001 by Yanko
Thu Nov 23, 2006 1:41 pm

"are you afraid of the IRS?"

"not really, cause i'm canadian"



anyway, i wouldn't doubt that was true :P
#134007 by Biert
Thu Nov 23, 2006 1:52 pm
Goat wrote:Any experts on this?

Yeah I'll be the first to tell you that I'm an expert in tax-evasion :lol:

#134124 by psychotic
Fri Nov 24, 2006 9:48 pm
Yeah, it looks like it's true, but not about America, just a few soldiers. I have faith still in most of the troops there. I just don't have faith in the Commander and Chief.

#134130 by djskrimp
Fri Nov 24, 2006 11:26 pm
As a member of the American military, I have to say that videos like that do 3 things to me:

1) Show the meanest, worst and most hated part of my chosen profession. I joined to stop bullying and hatred and to give hope, not to fucking taunt some poor children in a country that need not be treated like that in the first place.
2) It makes me wonder if the rest of the world views all soldiers, sailors, Marines and Airmen like that. If that is the case, then I think I know better why I am looked at with a scowl when dealing with people from other countries, and I (and most military members like me) go out of my way to prove that I respect all peoples of the world, and want only to help them and to protect them.
3) In all honesty, I know that a lot of people in the military do act like this, and it is endemic of mentality that Americans have that we are so superior to other countries...hence the arrogance. I thank whatever powers that be that I did not grow up in America, but rather abroad, so that I could get to know other cultures and people and learn that despite the sometimes huge differences, that all people tend to be good, helpful and open. I joined the military so that I could go around the world and learn from as many cultures as I could. Unfortunately, just as in America, a small portion of the military community sees fit to besmirch our good name. What used to be considered one of the most respected and trusted institutions has become a joke and parody to the world, and incidences like those shown in the video, and Gitmo (Gautanamo Bay) and Abu Ghraib are doing huge amounts of damage. And it's our own fault.

Yanko, the fact that the video represents what is America today disheartens me, but it does not surprise me. I hope that America can rebuild itself as a country that deserves respect, but at this point I blame no one for feeling otherwise.

#134143 by Yanko
Sat Nov 25, 2006 5:07 am
@djskrimp: i can imagine how you feel man. My father was in the military most of his life, and here in brazil we had a long military dictatorship government, so people tend to randomly dislike the army for any random reason. Although there were tons of horrible stuff done at that period, i know that there were people who didn't do anything bad, like my dad for example. It's a big organization based on discipline, so people do what they're told, therefore a lot of it is to blame on the commanders indeed.

The biggest problem is that any wacko that looks controlled enough can get a gun, and getting a gun into some retard's hand means he'll think he can do anything he wants. Too bad american excessive patriotism fired back on creating tons of people that think that they're better than people around the world. But then again, that's the governments fault too, for letting people get "brainwashed" since they turn on their TVs and start going to school, after all, is of their best interest.

But anyway, glad to know someone's opinion from the "inside", and i hope for everyone that the world starts getting a grip.

#134145 by djskrimp
Sat Nov 25, 2006 5:43 am
Yanko wrote:@djskrimp: i can imagine how you feel man. My father was in the military most of his life, and here in brazil we had a long military dictatorship government, so people tend to randomly dislike the army for any random reason. Although there were tons of horrible stuff done at that period, i know that there were people who didn't do anything bad, like my dad for example. It's a big organization based on discipline, so people do what they're told, therefore a lot of it is to blame on the commanders indeed.

The biggest problem is that any wacko that looks controlled enough can get a gun, and getting a gun into some retard's hand means he'll think he can do anything he wants. Too bad american excessive patriotism fired back on creating tons of people that think that they're better than people around the world. But then again, that's the governments fault too, for letting people get "brainwashed" since they turn on their TVs and start going to school, after all, is of their best interest.

But anyway, glad to know someone's opinion from the "inside", and i hope for everyone that the world starts getting a grip.

Patriotism is good. It's nationalism that I hate. Like, if you are patriotic, you feel proud of your country and express it. Nationalism is where one states that their country is better than anyone elses, and that's usually where the problems start. And I think that the reason some (SOME!) Americans are the way they are is partly because so many countries bend over backwards to "Americanize" themselves instead of telling their American guests that they need to stop whining that there isn't a MacDonalds on every street corner.

<Sigh> whatever, all I know is that it's a bad situation these days, and the people in charge or who could do anything about it aren't necessarily doing the greatest job.

#134151 by the_scoon
Sat Nov 25, 2006 8:00 am
Dog License Tax? Crazy. Glad I live in Australia for more than one reason.

#134159 by Yanko
Sat Nov 25, 2006 10:37 am
djskrimp wrote:And I think that the reason some (SOME!) Americans are the way they are is partly because so many countries bend over backwards to "Americanize" themselves instead of telling their American guests that they need to stop whining that there isn't a MacDonalds on every street corner.

haha funny you should mention that, here in brazil theres this "anti-us" group that loathes all forms of Americanization. They're also very idiotic and xenophobic :P

oh well, the world is filled with stupid people that embarass us for sharing their genepool, so i think everyone can relate to a lot of what's being said.

#134188 by JuZ
Sat Nov 25, 2006 5:00 pm
Interesting to hear that. What was the Brazilian government's stance on the whole Iraq thing?

Rupert Murdoch recently told Australians to stop being anti-American. That's rich, seeing as he's American himself. I can't stand that old bastard.

I personally don't think most Aussies are anti-American per se. They're just anti-US foreign policy and don't like Aussie culture being smothered by American culture. Geez, according to a report I saw yesterday only 31 percent of Americans support the "war" in Iraq.

PS I like Vegemite on toast. Yummy.

#134189 by Coma Divine
Sat Nov 25, 2006 5:06 pm
I think Murdoch is the Antichrist.

#134191 by JuZ
Sat Nov 25, 2006 5:50 pm
And not in a cool South Park married-to-Saddam kind of way either.

Right, I'm off to the beach.

#134195 by Yanko
Sat Nov 25, 2006 6:13 pm
JuZ wrote:Interesting to hear that. What was the Brazilian government's stance on the whole Iraq thing?

Rupert Murdoch recently told Australians to stop being anti-American. That's rich, seeing as he's American himself. I can't stand that old bastard.

I personally don't think most Aussies are anti-American per se. They're just anti-US foreign policy and don't like Aussie culture being smothered by American culture. Geez, according to a report I saw yesterday only 31 percent of Americans support the "war" in Iraq.

PS I like Vegemite on toast. Yummy.

i think our fingerless drunk president didn't really say anything at the time, but if he said, it was probably against it.

I mean, hell, the government of Bolivia simply TOOK a big brazilian natural gas extracting plant, and the president didn't do anything and didn't even consider military intervention, so i guess that says a lot about what he thinks of Iraq :P

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