gozu wrote:i think the context makes the difference, like if someone says "hey my nigger" or "i'm a nigger" then thats fair cause no-one means it to be hurtful. but he says it with VENOM he means it to hurt, to insult and to provoke an upset and shocked reaction. he did it because he was angry and meant it as an insult not a description.
Of course, the next step could be discussing if he's really a racist. But concerning this, WickedBuddhi already made a good point, and finally: We don't know. What we do know is that he used this word in a discriminating way and that already stands for itself.
Noticed how the audience after hesitating for a moment first laughed insecurely at his words, but how this reaction was more and more displaced by shock when they realised that he wasn't performing anymore? It takes a while to realise that the comedian you see on stage actually goes totally frantic because of an interjection.
I just missed one of those cool bass licks from Seinfeld when he left the stage