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do you believe in supernatural beings?


#13194 by Dunkelheit
Sun Apr 18, 2004 8:59 am
Apophis wrote:cool...

i'm off to watch a 24hour news channel with the sound down and Red Harvest on full blast ;)

I recommend you try it!

Sounds like a real hoot.

#13200 by thefillersweetcityjesus
Sun Apr 18, 2004 10:09 am
Apophis wrote:looks more like a Viking-come-medieval king to me

meh, anywho the pics do look kind of fake if you look closely, but when i saw the little video clip (in like grade 8, the year it happened) i was convinced it was real....

by the way, what do you guys think of the "jersey devil" O.o ?

#13230 by Apophis
Sun Apr 18, 2004 12:07 pm
I remember the computer game :thefly:

#13242 by Sapphire
Sun Apr 18, 2004 1:09 pm
Falk wrote:Mouarf, it must be strange to live with a ghost at home. Didn't she tried to contact a sort of ghost hunter ? Maybe it's called a magnetizer or something like that... I saw that on TV, the man comes, and feels draft in da' house while all doors and windows are closed, and things like that. He lights some candles on, read some blablah and reload his rocket-launcher, and everyones living in the house sit on the table and close their eyes while he continues his stuff to make the "ghost" go out of the house. She didn't try ?

I just think you watch too much tv :wink: I just think she was too scared of telling people about the ghost...not too many who believes in ghosts, unless they (like me) personally saw one. If she told me, I wouldn't believe her. And I've never heard of any ghost hunters here in Norway...I think that's an american thing 8)

#13251 by Falk
Sun Apr 18, 2004 2:32 pm
(Looks like Satan got hit by a truck... :roll: )

Arf, yeah you're right Sapphire, as long as you haven't experienced something strange like that you can't figure how you would react, so it's easy to say "why didn't she ask blablablah", but when you think no one will believe you...
I personnally don't believe in that as not anything weird never happened to me, and I would say there's a scientific explabnation to this (I would say it was dreams or whatever, maybe something in his house prints itself in your mind unconsciously, and may come back at night during certain sleeping phases or whatever), but if it had to happen to me, I'd be scared as hell and couldn't keep it to myself.
Now that I've seen this "ghost hunter" on TV I would definitely search for such a person (though I would take care he's not acting just to be payed a hella lot for nothing) But it was on french TV, not US^^.
Btw, where does she live ? A recent house/appartment ? Or an old and lonely house deep in the forest ? :wink:

#13255 by Sapphire
Sun Apr 18, 2004 2:54 pm
It wasn't an old house...looked 20-30 years old or so.

#13330 by Chuckler
Mon Apr 19, 2004 6:42 am
We-ell, I've had two experiences..though I voted "No" i don't know what
to make of it..

1) My Cousin's place here in India, Mangalore is an aaancient house mor'n a hundred years old.... Anyway, this is a frequent thing at her place and her entire family is quite used to it now. Almost every night after everyone's asleep we hear a table being laid out and lot of ppl talking though nothing is coherent......and the moment we step into the hall (adjacent to the dining room) all is quiet again.. i didn't believe them at first till i heard the whole damn thing with me own ears ..fuck!!! THAT was spooky!

2) I was once lying down at my friend's place in his room and i was just thinking to myself.. and was in that half-awake/sleepy state and suddenly i felt myself rise in the air.. and i turn around and look at myself from the ceiling, lying pecefully on the bed.. what's more my friend comes in and picks up something from a shelf in his room... . what's really fucked up is.. my pal later tells me that he came to the room and saw me sleeping and... from my position there was no way for me to have seen or known that he entered the room let alone pickied up something from the shelf!!. So i couldn't have known if he entered the room at all..and no i was'n't even drunk or on anything... I don't remmeber "entering back into my body".. and i don't believe in the whole concept of "the soul".. Oh welll that's that and i still don't know what to make of it..

#13342 by Sapphire
Mon Apr 19, 2004 7:35 am
Chuckler wrote: 2) I was once lying down at my friend's place in his room and i was just thinking to myself.. and was in that half-awake/sleepy state and suddenly i felt myself rise in the air.. and i turn around and look at myself from the ceiling, lying pecefully on the bed.. what's more my friend comes in and picks up something from a shelf in his room... . what's really fucked up is.. my pal later tells me that he came to the room and saw me sleeping and... from my position there was no way for me to have seen or known that he entered the room let alone pickied up something from the shelf!!. So i couldn't have known if he entered the room at all..and no i was'n't even drunk or on anything... I don't remmeber "entering back into my body".. and i don't believe in the whole concept of "the soul".. Oh welll that's that and i still don't know what to make of it..

Actually, that is a common phenomenon. When people are sedated for surgery ie, they often say after they wake up that they left their bodies and watched themselves lying there and stuff. Epileptics are also likely to experience those kind of things if they have a seizure... I read an article once where it said that it is possible to "force" these kind of phenomenons by electronically stimulating certain parts of the brain. The whole experience is actually a kind of dream I think...and what you "see" is really the last things you remember before falling to sleep or whatever. A possible explanation to what you "saw" (your friend picking something up from the shelf), is because you HEARD him doing that :)

#13400 by thefillersweetcityjesus
Mon Apr 19, 2004 12:14 pm
wow these stories are messed....

i know there is obviously a scientific explanation for what happened yesterday, its weather related. I was sitting there and it was a bright sunday morning, drinking my coffee... when all of a sudden within 10 minutes it became practically pitch black. It was rather frightening. The wind picked up violently and it started pounding rain and lightning it was chaos! A friend told me when she looked outside in front of her house there was a suction and things were flyin upwards almost like a funnel, and nearby there were reports of tornados and large hail... Now some are probably like big deal, but where im from we've never had a tornado or anything like that! it was nuts... i think they called it a micro burst or soemthing ....

(clearly not anything "supernatural" but meh, i wanted to say it... )

#13425 by Greg Reason
Mon Apr 19, 2004 1:08 pm
Well, scientists found out long ago that all matter is energy vibrating at different rates. We also know that our body operates by our brain sending electrical signals around our body, which act as messengers for the brain telling our body parts what to do. Our brain sends an impulse to our hand, our fingers move, etc.

So if all matter is energy, and our brain waves and thoughts are energy, then what separates our thoughts from reality, and the real from the supernatural? I think it is in the programming of our minds, first by our parents, teachers and friends and then later by us ourselves, with assistance from TV, media and our peers.

I guess I sort of think that this world is effectively our very own Matrix.... We created this world for ourselves, because our thought determines our reality and what we unconsciously create is what we will see around us.
Last edited by Greg Reason on Mon Oct 04, 2021 10:37 am, edited 1 time in total.

#13459 by Sapphire
Mon Apr 19, 2004 2:18 pm
That's exactly how I think man!! Some words of wisdom from the great Bill Hicks made me realize it: "How about a positive LSD story? "Today a young man on acid realized that all matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration, that we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively. There is no such thing as death, life is only a dream and we're the imagination of our selves. Here's Tom with the weather."

#13474 by Sinkharmony
Mon Apr 19, 2004 2:42 pm
Bill Hicks was definately the man. It's too bad I never got a chance to see him perform live.

#13481 by Sapphire
Mon Apr 19, 2004 2:59 pm
No one has told us the truth like Bill Hicks did. He really opened my eyes and made me see all the lies I'm bein fed every day. That man was a prophet.

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