Talk about whatever you want to here, but stay correct
#132946 by Chris
Wed Nov 08, 2006 8:12 am
Take this, oceans!

So far, so good. Let's see, what's next? Hm... A bit cold in here... Let's keep on working on global warming!

...I'm certainly not a moralist concerning those things. But more and more uncomfortable topics which always used to hide behind terms like somewhen or the future - which gave everything a nicer sound because of their impreciseness - are getting closer and more and more concrete. This is shit we already have to deal with today (like the increasing number of natural disasters caused by climatic changes for which humanity is responsible), and I think it will and, of course, simply has to be an even bigger topic during the next decades. I just don't understand how lots of people and especially politicians still ignore this when it comes to seminal decisions.

Yeeeeeah... Words. Time for some music.

#132953 by jon
Wed Nov 08, 2006 10:16 am
YEAH! what have the fishes ever done for us?!?!

#132956 by Kivenkantaja
Wed Nov 08, 2006 11:23 am
I'm betting it's a hoax to embarrass the global warming freaks. They will latch onto this foolishly, only to find it was orchestrated.

But then when it fails to happen, they'll pretend they did something that saved the world.

You fucking idiot. Sea level rises a couple of meter's. Surface area becomes smaller + overpopulation = starvation, not the überstorm.

#132957 by Biert
Wed Nov 08, 2006 11:29 am
Kivenkantaja wrote:
I'm betting it's a hoax to embarrass the global warming freaks. They will latch onto this foolishly, only to find it was orchestrated.

But then when it fails to happen, they'll pretend they did something that saved the world.

You fucking idiot. Sea level rises a couple of meter's. Surface area becomes smaller + overpopulation = starvation, not the überstorm.

Nothing has been proven about melting ice, rising sealevels or heck, even global warning. Why? Because there is no data available about how it used to be. Every 'specialist' or 'scientist' that preaches this doom scenario has his story based on suggestion and speculation, not actual facts.
Of course this is not counter-proof either. Just all the talk about global warming and the (possible) results are fecking buhakee!

Not that it's a bad idea to mind the environment anyway.

#132960 by Goat
Wed Nov 08, 2006 11:56 am
The Earth's magnetic field is changing directions, which happens once in I don't know how many millions of years. It's a 1000 years process and we're in the middle of it. The atmosphere will lose its protection from the sun's radiation. Result: overheating and exposure to radiation. People have no say in it. After the process is complete and the core starts spinning again in the opposite direction, north will be south, at least according to the compasses.

That's how Mars lost its atmosphere. The core changed direction so many times it lost its energy, the magnetic field died out and the radiation of the sun blew the atmosphere away. It will happen to Earth eventually, but we don't need to worry about that.

#132962 by Biert
Wed Nov 08, 2006 12:08 pm
Goat wrote:The Earth's magnetic field is changing directions, which happens once in I don't know how many millions of years. It's a 1000 years process and we're in the middle of it. The atmosphere will lose its protection from the sun's radiation. Result: overheating and exposure to radiation. People have no say in it. After the process is complete and the core starts spinning again in the opposite direction, north will be south, at least according to the compasses.

That's how Mars lost its atmosphere. The core changed direction so many times it lost its energy, the magnetic field died out and the radiation of the sun blew the atmosphere away. It will happen to Earth eventually, but we don't need to worry about that.

True! I believe it happens every 200,000 years and we're a couple hundred thousand late?

#132963 by Kivenkantaja
Wed Nov 08, 2006 12:13 pm
Biert wrote:*ERROR BUZZ*
Nothing has been proven about melting ice, rising sealevels or heck, even global warning. Why? Because there is no data available about how it used to be. Every 'specialist' or 'scientist' that preaches this doom scenario has his story based on suggestion and speculation, not actual facts.
Of course this is not counter-proof either. Just all the talk about global warming and the (possible) results are fecking buhakee!
Yippee!! :D that was supposed to be sarcasm or something like that
BUT overpopulation can and will and is beating us singlehandedly anyway. Actually even if global warming is true, I don't think we survive long enough to witness it.

Edit: Just noticed how it looks like I changed my mind :roll: Ok, I still believe in global warming and by 'we' I meant mankind.
Last edited by Kivenkantaja on Thu Nov 09, 2006 1:57 am, edited 1 time in total.

#132969 by Yanko
Wed Nov 08, 2006 12:43 pm
Goat wrote:The Earth's magnetic field is changing directions, which happens once in I don't know how many millions of years. It's a 1000 years process and we're in the middle of it. The atmosphere will lose its protection from the sun's radiation. Result: overheating and exposure to radiation. People have no say in it. After the process is complete and the core starts spinning again in the opposite direction, north will be south, at least according to the compasses.

That's how Mars lost its atmosphere. The core changed direction so many times it lost its energy, the magnetic field died out and the radiation of the sun blew the atmosphere away. It will happen to Earth eventually, but we don't need to worry about that.

actually, there's a biorhythm-related theory that says the frequency changes on the magnetic field has influence on our perception of time, that's why many people feel like "the years are getting shorter" more and more, cause we're approaching that magnetic inversion point.

But it also could be all mumbo jumbo :P

#132970 by Biert
Wed Nov 08, 2006 12:45 pm
Seems like an excellent thread to bring back the "Or I Could Just Fuck Off" quote :P

#132994 by Coma Divine
Wed Nov 08, 2006 9:25 pm
Biert wrote:Nothing has been proven about melting ice, rising sealevels or heck, even global warning.
Sure about that?

I think the some of the residents of Micronesia would beg to differ.

Also, Greenland is undergoing a net loss of 100 gigatons of ice per year.

Surely it ain't ALL ending up in peoples' scotch? :? ... e_999.html

#133003 by ladytwiglet
Thu Nov 09, 2006 2:26 am
i'm sure i read somewhere that the ice caps melting wouldnt cause a rise in sea levels because the melted water would cause the same amount of displacement as the ice in the first place, so the water levels would stay roughly the same, the main issue would be the cooling down of the oceans from all the colder water going in.

it makes sense to me!

#133005 by Blazingmonga
Thu Nov 09, 2006 2:42 am
As a marine chemist for the Scottish Environmental Protection Agency, it is my job to know about all the crap that ends up in the waters in Scotland. And there is a lot of it.

It makes me sad sometimes to know first hand exactly how much rubbish in the waters along the East coast of Scotland comes from human sources (farming, industry, construction works). On top of extensive overfishing, I get the impression that our local fisheries are not very sustainable at all.

So even without considering more widespread effects such as global warming, the damage is already happening right on our doorstep.

There are some places in Scotland that I wouldn't swim, thats for sure. If only the fishes had that choice!!

#133012 by Blazingmonga
Thu Nov 09, 2006 3:19 am
Read this in my email today:

Monga's Email wrote:Global warming is a reality and denial is an indication of scientific illiteracy
Scotsman, 09/11/06 Letters comment on responses to the Stern report. “John RD Stewart (Letters, 2 November) referred to a UN committee which said "alleged greenhouse gases have ... fallen by 3.3 per cent in the last 16 years". But it is emissions (from industrialised countries) that have fallen: the levels of such gases in the atmosphere are increasing more rapidly than ever.” Roy Turnbull, Inverness-shire “There is now an overwhelming scientific consensus that global warming is a reality, to a degree never even remotely approached at any previous stage of history, and that the primary cause is human activity. These facts are no longer in serious doubt. The neo-conservative press and radio in the United States constantly confuse people there by presenting the arguments for and against as if there was some sort of balance to be struck. They ignore the fact that the vast majority of serious scientists now accept both the fact and the human causes of global warming, while those who claim otherwise seldom have any real authority and often are funded by groups with a vested interest in avoiding the implications of the reality. In the end, even if all the scientists were wrong, and the tiny band of sceptics right, the "precautionary principle" would demand action now. Canon Kenyon Wright, Perthshire

(The Scotsman is a big newspaper here...)

Perhaps relevant...

#133019 by Biert
Thu Nov 09, 2006 4:58 am
Coma Divine wrote:
Biert wrote:Nothing has been proven about melting ice, rising sealevels or heck, even global warning.
Sure about that?

I think the some of the residents of Micronesia would beg to differ.

There isn't any data available of the temperatures (and sea levels) of even 30 years ago and before that, for huge parts of the world. So we can't compare todays temperatures with those of 50, 100, 200 years ago so you can't really say if overall temperatures have been rising.
Some temperature fluctuations over a 30 year timespan are quite normal I'd say. It has to do with things like the power of the sun, things going on in the galaxy around earth and the likes, it's not necessarily a result of us polluting the earth.
In a couple of years things could be cooling down again and we would all be panicing because the world is turning in a huge lump of ice, but before that can happen it gets warmer again and so on and so on...

Just my 2 cents.

#133020 by Goat
Thu Nov 09, 2006 5:05 am
Meh, Biert, that reasoning doesn't hold much water.

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