Talk about whatever you want to here, but stay correct
#130261 by Josiah Tobin
Sat Sep 23, 2006 2:53 am
This may sound odd, but basically, I need samples of people laughing. Lots of samples of people laughing.

If you have a microphone and a spare minute (and aren't embarrassed easily, I guess), I'd appreciate it if you could just record about 20 seconds of laughter. Yep, sounds silly, but I have a reason. I need as many people to do this as possible... One person could even do multiple takes that I could layer, as it's all going to be layered in the end anyway.

If you're willing, upload the mp3 or wav or ogg or whatever (doesn't matter much in this case), or email it to jjtobin *at* shaw *dot* ca or josiah_tobin *at* hotmail *dot*com if that doesn't work.


#130270 by Biert
Sat Sep 23, 2006 8:40 am
Hehe you should have told me to start recording before reading the first sentence, would have been a good one :lol:

Just out of curiosity, what are you going to do with it?

#130273 by Yanko
Sat Sep 23, 2006 9:46 am
haha this already sounds awesome, but my throat is fucked up, i can't laugh :(

#130276 by fullgore
Sat Sep 23, 2006 9:54 am
you need to make us laugh first! laughter can't be faked, you know. well actually, i can do a decent psychotic laugh but that's not what you're looking for :p

#130277 by Yanko
Sat Sep 23, 2006 11:40 am
set up your recording devices.


ok, test it.



so, there was this young priest who was going to stand in place for an older priest in a small town for a couple of weeks, cause the priest had to go to the capital for some medical treatment.
The younger priest arrives, and the older priest says
"ok then my lad, i think you're fully ready to take over the church for the next couple of weeks. Anything you'd like to know before i leave?"
"well, i really don't know about that whole confession deal... i mean, what are the punishments i gotta give and all...i always forget those"

"oh, no problem, here, i'll write them down in a piece of paper and all you have to do is read it!"
"thanks a lot priest, that will help me a lot!"

so the priest went on his trip, and the young man went to bed, so he could set up the mass for the next day.

On the next day, after the mass ended, he went to the confession booth. Then he heard a knock on the door. It was a gorgeous blond woman.

*start recording now*

"father, forgive me for i have sinned"
"what did you do, my child?"
"i... well.... i.... i did uhm... oral sex on my boyfriend"
"a blowjob, father."
"oh! Wait, all you have to do to be forgiven is..."
*then the priest started to look for the prayer she'd have to say, but it wasn't on the piece of paper!
so he says
"ok, hold on a second!"

he runs out like crazy, to try to find someone else to help him with that. So he meets a choirboy. He asks him
"son, what does the priest give for a blowjob?!"

"well, it depends. Last week he gave me a soda and a pack of snacks!"


#130290 by Josiah Tobin
Sat Sep 23, 2006 2:38 pm
fullgore wrote:you need to make us laugh first! laughter can't be faked, you know. well actually, i can do a decent psychotic laugh but that's not what you're looking for :p

It might be, actually. ;) Almost any kind of laugh will do... It's all going to be heavily layered, so in fact many different kinds might even work better. Oh, and don't worry if it sounds exaggerated or anything-- That will work fine. The only thing I need is lots of laughter.

Oh, and Biert, it's for the middle section of a song I'm putting the finishing touches on. I could probably find some good crowd laughter samples online somewhere, but I don't use stock samples if I can help it. (unless they're edited enough to be unrecognizeable :P )

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