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Which Mastodon album is your favorite?


#129978 by Noodles
Sun Sep 17, 2006 7:37 pm
psychotic wrote:I don't have a problem with them going more artsy, hell, I probably listen to just as much artsy stuff as anyone on here, but I just don't think that they're good at doing the artsy stuff. As far as putting out music with a punch, they're one of the best, but their singer cannot sing to save his life, and thats one of the main things thats hurt their more recent efforts, and as a whole I just cannot get into their artsy stuff as much.

Yeah, they should leave artsy sludge to bands who are good at it like Neurosis and Pelican.

#129988 by EphelDuath666
Mon Sep 18, 2006 7:14 am
hmmm...I think they are pretty good at it...woudn't necessarily call it 'artsy' actually, just progressive. (And I listened to Pelican once and think they (or he?) are pretty boring..ahem....)

#130020 by dub
Mon Sep 18, 2006 9:51 pm
Personally I always found the clean vocals on Leviathan (that weren't very good) to be kind of endearing. They've certainly gotten a hell of a lot better. See 'This Mortal Soil' and 'Sleeping Giant'

As for them not being good at artsy shit. It's just the Patton noises in Bladecatcher than come off as lame to me. I think there's a few half-cooked ideas in the album, but it's a testament to their confidence and talent that they pull it off.

I do wish they'd throw out more songs as intense as the older stuff. 'Capillarian Crest' and 'Circle of Cysquatch' rip shit up but a lot of the other songs are just a little too midpaced.

These are really just minor quibbles, fucking awesome album.

On the topic of Pelican, I'm a fan, though I've yet to pick up the latest (but I did grab the great 'March Into The Sea' single) and I definitely think instrumental bands have to work twice as hard to keep your attention over the course of a couple of albums unless they change radically. I can understand how they could be construed as boring. I'd heard dodgy live reports but I want to believe they could utterly floor you.

Anyone who digs Pelican (and newer ISIS) might want to check out the brilliant NZ band Jakob, who are friends with the guys in Pelican and have toured with them and do something kinda similar but with their own sound. They just released a new album last week, which is quite rare for them, having been around for years but only having a couple of albums under their belt.

#130039 by fragility
Tue Sep 19, 2006 8:36 am
Having listened a couple of times now, my initial reaction is good. It's still Mastodon, but surprised me a little :)

#130053 by myra
Tue Sep 19, 2006 11:17 am
I'm suprised about the more melodic parts on this. I'm really enjoying it. Two thumbs up! :D

#130061 by ALieN
Tue Sep 19, 2006 2:06 pm
I really still can't find anything I like about Mastodon. It's just not good to me :-/

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