I was just wondering what everybody else is reading lately. I read... a lot. I figured with most of the people on this forum being rather intelligent, you guys probably read a lot too! Anyway, I thought I'd start this thread. I hope it works and I don't look like a total jerk.
Lately I've been reading The Wing Chun Compendium. It's an awesome book about Wing Chun, probably the best book I've ever read about a martial art. I read about martial arts a lot, and most of them just really don't translate physical motions and spirtiual beliefs well. This one's different, and it's getting me really interested in taking some Wing Chun. I'd recommend it to any martial artist..
Anyway, what have you guys been reading?

Lately I've been reading The Wing Chun Compendium. It's an awesome book about Wing Chun, probably the best book I've ever read about a martial art. I read about martial arts a lot, and most of them just really don't translate physical motions and spirtiual beliefs well. This one's different, and it's getting me really interested in taking some Wing Chun. I'd recommend it to any martial artist..
Anyway, what have you guys been reading?