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#129321 by Greg Reason
Tue Sep 05, 2006 9:54 am
And I'm wondering if anyone is interested in a Jackson guitar that has been signed by Devin, Steve Vai and all of Opeth (the classic lineup - Ackerfeldt, Lindgren, Mendez and Lopez). I've been hanging onto it for years but I have too many guitars and if someone is actually interested then I'll probably sell it. I can put up a photo if anyone is really interested. It's a Jackson PS-2, metallic red.

#129322 by :)
Tue Sep 05, 2006 9:57 am
I'll start the bid at £2.

#129338 by Yanko
Tue Sep 05, 2006 3:47 pm
can you rip off the part that has the Devy and the Ackerfeldt autographs and sell it separately to me?

#129355 by sj_2150
Tue Sep 05, 2006 8:15 pm
maybe some photos? that would be cool.

ill bid $12 because thats all i have at the moment

#129389 by Biert
Wed Sep 06, 2006 8:12 am
I don't have money or skills for a guitar but pics would be appreciated anyway! :D

#129417 by Dunkelheit
Wed Sep 06, 2006 11:35 am
aye i second that!

#129443 by Tren
Wed Sep 06, 2006 12:22 pm
Allow me to jump in, i have an old style ltd/esp explorer thru-body with hockey style head & locking trem, the old kind that all pimps need. In gun metal grey with a few dings but other than that is classy & very dev/hetfield.

Anybody in the uk interested please pm me and i'll sort out some pics.

#129446 by Biert
Wed Sep 06, 2006 12:24 pm
I fucking love Explorers. But I can't fucking play them so it's no use to me, sorry.

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