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do you believe in supernatural beings?


#12808 by Slainte Mhath
Fri Apr 16, 2004 7:37 am

I don't believe in any of the supernatural. However I do believe that objective reality is not a concept that applies to the human brain and as such there are a lot of experiences that people cannot equate to normal everyday experiences, and so will put down to 'the supernatural' when nothing of the sort occured. Sleep paralysis is a good place to start when considering these things:
(which incidentally I experienced for only the second time in my 28 years last night and it's a bizarre and psychologically uncomfortable feeling).

(or you could just go take an acid trip and see where it leads you, but I wouldn't recommend it myself :))

UFO's vaguely intrigue me on the basis that if even a small percentage (<1%) are actually alien spacecraft, then the implications for physics are huge. However, when I go back and look at some of the evidence of UFO's that exists in the books that my Dad bought during the 60's, they're so comical it defies belief. As such, I tend to suspect that 100% of UFO's are really just unidentified flying objects (and even then I suspect a large proportion aren't even flying).

#12820 by Sapphire
Fri Apr 16, 2004 8:44 am
I had a friend once who was often very paranoid and scared from time to time. One night I slept over at her on the sofa ..I woke up in the middle of the night and saw this man standing in the middle of the living room. I was paralyzed and couldn't move. He moved was like he "jumped" from place to place. He was in the room for 2-3 minutes I guess, then he started screaming while he faded away. Another couple of minutes passed, and then I could move again.
My first thought afterwards (when my head started clearing up) was that I had experienced sleep paralysis, a fairly common thing and that I'd dreamed the whole thing. But the next morning while we were eating I told her that I'd had this crazy dream and she said that he'd been there for 6 years. :shock: And I didn't even mention what I had dreamed about...

So yes, from then on I started believing in ghosts...

#12900 by Falk
Fri Apr 16, 2004 3:15 pm

Lol, just reading your stories scares me :p
WHat does your friend said about the man ?
You say a man, it looked real or a ghost ?
And your friend said nothing else ? "Yeah there's a ghost in the house... give me the coffee please... it's been there for 6 years... oh shit I broke my rusk..."

I never experienced any weird things like that. Sometimes I scare myself thinking I see a shape, but that's just a darker part in my peripheral vision, and my brain must draw a body shape from this dark shade...

Or another is that sometimes while I sleep I think I'm gonna shit on myself, but it's just my sleeping short that may be too tight in my ass raw while moving while sleeping... So, nothing much supernatural :lol:

#12909 by Sapphire
Fri Apr 16, 2004 4:00 pm
Falk wrote:*o*

Lol, just reading your stories scares me :p
WHat does your friend said about the man ?
You say a man, it looked real or a ghost ?
And your friend said nothing else ? "Yeah there's a ghost in the house... give me the coffee please... it's been there for 6 years... oh shit I broke my rusk..."

She said that he suddenly started apperaring, and that he appears all over the house. Seemed like she was used to having him there, heh. It looked human, had arms&legs etc. But i couldn't see a face...the man was all blurry.

#12942 by thefillersweetcityjesus
Fri Apr 16, 2004 8:40 pm
** paranoia kicks in

now every sound sounds like something scary >>>> FUCK YOU...

i wonder if like extreme paranoia is a condition and what not. (that didn't make sense.. i hope you know what i meant )

#12977 by Vesper
Sat Apr 17, 2004 2:57 am
Apophis wrote:he's one of the Dark Lords of the Sth?

Drth Vesper?

*bows* *evil grin* *evil cackle*

nay, I am helping old ladies across the street ;)


#13027 by black_tooth_grin
Sat Apr 17, 2004 8:05 am
I do believe in the concept of UFO's, there must be something out there that we dont know of and that the government is trying to hide for there own agenda. Many people have witnessed or told of stories about alien species greeting them or abducting them for experiments, but half the time these people only do it for the attention. There was one time in the early 90's when i was living in my old house with my 2 brothers and my mother and we were watching the late news around 10 o'clock and a special bulletin come on saying that they had real life footage of alien species on a home video camera. I think the guy's name was Langley i dont know it was a long time ago, but anyway. After that had happened the guy was chased after by the FBI and the CIA because he knew to much, and they had evidence of more tapes and meetings with these species. Many people might think that this guy is a complete idiot, but there are some amazing facts about him number one is the he his still alive today and writes books and journal entires of his time working at Area 51, number two his videos were being sold on the black market and now all of them are being destoryed by the government and number three is that he is still on the top list of dangers to america with the FBI and the CIA. After telling you that you might think im a complete pyscho, but dont worry my feelings have died down because there doesn't seem to be much going on at the moment, but deep down inside i do believe there is something out there and hopefully one-day we can witness it.

#13064 by Falk
Sat Apr 17, 2004 1:01 pm
Sapphire wrote:She said that he suddenly started apperaring, and that he appears all over the house. Seemed like she was used to having him there, heh. It looked human, had arms&legs etc. But i couldn't see a face...the man was all blurry.

Mouarf, it must be strange to live with a ghost at home. Didn't she tried to contact a sort of ghost hunter ? Maybe it's called a magnetizer or something like that... I saw that on TV, the man comes, and feels draft in da' house while all doors and windows are closed, and things like that. He lights some candles on, read some blablah and reload his rocket-launcher, and everyones living in the house sit on the table and close their eyes while he continues his stuff to make the "ghost" go out of the house. She didn't try ?

(And btw, when re-reading my post I realized it could be taken as if I was laughing at your story, but it's just humor (well, it's suposed to be :lol: ), I may have a bit of difficulty to give a true tone to my posts, as my english isn't perfect, but I'm never trying to joke (in the bad sens) at someone^^ I should use more smileys too^^ Just wanted to precise that)

About UFO's, I'm not religious or whatever, so there's no reason for me that humanity is the ultimate species chosen by god and blah, so I believe in it. Maybe there's someone else, maybe not...
About E.T. on earth, I don't really know what to think. Governments are so silly that they could organize everything just to let people think there's actually some stories about E.T. on earth and people searching for the truth blablah (while they'll never get it as everything is just organized by the gov's...)
I mean, you've heard about the documentary (or book or whatever) that raised the possibility that man on moon could have been done on earth... Another I've read is that US gov planed to possibly crash a plane (I don't remember under which president, but something like 30 years ago), if a certain situation at that time had to be the contrary of their interests... (Kinda scary to read that since 11/09) And there are other stories like that... So one more about E.T. is possible. Though it would be interesting to meet E.T.s :D

#13065 by thefillersweetcityjesus
Sat Apr 17, 2004 1:32 pm
Do you guys remember that picture from 9/11 of the smoke shaped like satan !? freaky ...

#13147 by Apophis
Sun Apr 18, 2004 4:24 am
I don't remember seeing anything like that but feel free to PM me a link / copy :twisted:

#13180 by thefillersweetcityjesus
Sun Apr 18, 2004 8:14 am
i can't find it, i'm way too pissed thuogh, it was a freaking video clip of the smoke billowing out, and it looked like satan i swear... shit i'll ask my buddy

#13184 by Apophis
Sun Apr 18, 2004 8:23 am

i'm off to watch a 24hour news channel with the sound down and Red Harvest on full blast ;)

I recommend you try it!

#13189 by Apophis
Sun Apr 18, 2004 8:34 am
looks more like a Viking-come-medieval king to me

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