A place to share your own music and creative projects.
#126768 by organic spiral
Sat Jul 22, 2006 8:43 am
What's up people!! I've been working on a musical project with a couple of buddies of mine and things seem to be going really well with the writing process and everything. Our band is called Magnesia and I was wondering if you guys could let me know what you think of us

http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fu ... D=93193938

Um, don't know how to do the whole posting link thing right now, so just copy and paste it I guess :?

The sound quality is nothing to write home about, but its probably the best we could do on the equipment that we have right now

Thanks for listening!

#126839 by rcfreak7772000
Mon Jul 24, 2006 10:21 am
i'll tell u what i think when myspace starts working :P, nice site though :D

#126858 by winndich
Tue Jul 25, 2006 12:40 am
Interesting.....I like it. Not what I thought, when I heard the very beginning^^

Maybe you should consider to get a second guitar or a keyboard for your band, sometimes the sound is a bit empty (I only heard Squeak because I don't have much time now, so I can base my statement only on this song), but I totally like your style.

Keep it up, try to get a better studio :wink:, your going to be great!

#126876 by Josiah Tobin
Tue Jul 25, 2006 7:15 am
Man, I really liked 'Squeak'. Didn't care so much for the others (though Dr Devil was kinda cool), but Squeak was a pretty wicked tune-- Not exactly sure why, but it just really grabbed me for some reason.

But man... If there's one thing I can reccomend to you guys, it's that you change your band description to NOT be something so horribly, horribly cliche as "demonic drums, lighting guitar, thunderous bass and chaotic vocals [...]" -- EVERY FUCKING HARD ROCK/METAL BAND ON EARTH describes themselves with that kinda shit. It's VERY yawn-inducing with how overdone it is. :? (not to mention such claims as "the music industry was never the same" or "the world of music was changed forever" or such tripe... and man, I just realized I've never used the word 'tripe' before)

The worst part is most of the bands that have that kinda "CRUSHING GUITARS PUMMELLING DRUMS DEMONIC VOCALS POUNDING BASS, OUR GOAL IS TO MAKE THE MOST BRUTAL MUSIC EVERRR THAT CANNOT BE REPLICATED ARRRRRRRRRG" thing in their description are perfectly ordinary, formulaic modern metal bands. It's pretty sad, really.

...But yeah. Sorry for my little rant there, most of it wasn't really directed at you. In fact you guys are more original than a LOT of the generic bands with such descriptions I've heard, so props to you. Anyway, I still can't really get into "White Thrashing Light", but Dr Devil is growing on me. Good job, I'd like to hear more of this stuff. I think I'll listen to Squeak again. :P

#126878 by Blazingmonga
Tue Jul 25, 2006 8:43 am
Hey, I listened to you guys a couple of days ago...forgot to say what it was like!

In short, I really liked the music, but the production/recording and vocals were not really up to the same standard. Good stuff though, keep at it!

#127006 by organic spiral
Wed Jul 26, 2006 2:19 pm
thanx guys! Yea, about our description. I had nothing to do with that. Our guitarist I admit is a bit cheesy and tries too hard to impress on words alone. So, sorry bout that. And yea, I'm the vocalist :lol:. You gotta give me a break though, my voice was pretty rough that night. Any vocalist knows that you have your good days and bad days though. And the recording too is really just us trying our hardest with the little recording technology (and knowledge) that we had

But thanx for the comments guys!

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