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#124403 by Guitarzan
Sun Jun 18, 2006 2:11 pm
Tool-10,000 Days

are tied for best of 06 for me thus far. Other notables-

Cannibal Corpse-Kill (IMO their best ever)
Cult of Luna-Somewhere Along the Highway (truly haunting and beautiful)
Beneath the Massacre-Evidence of Inequity (bwaaah!?)
Rotten Sound-Consume to Contaminate
Glass Casket-Desparate Man's Diary (way better than their first)
The Acacia Strain-Dead Walk (not bad...not bad at all)

Eagerly Awating-
Mastodon-Blood Mountain
Lamb of God-Sacrament
Slayer-Christ Illusion
Arsis-Lust Before the Maggot's Conquest
Napalm Death-Smear Campaign
Motorhead-Kiss of Death
Down III
New Haunted, Megadeth, Isis

SYL-The New Black...
At first I really didn't like this album at all. City, SYL, and Alien all had a common link that tied them together yet they were all unique and awesome. This album just doesn't seem to have that link for me. It's not SYL's got too many tinges of DTB and lots of melodic sensibility thrown in, whereas usually with SYL I expect a controlled chaos with underlying melody. I grew on me a bit but it's still pretty much 50/50 for me. I dig half of it, the other half I could definitely do without.

#124427 by psychotic
Sun Jun 18, 2006 10:32 pm
I can't believe I forgot Silver from Jesu, an AMAZING EP

#124446 by andjustinforall
Mon Jun 19, 2006 2:39 am
The important ones are:

TOOL - 10000 Days (completely awesome, yet the crazy thing is Tool that could've made an even better album. Bastards.)
DTB - Synchestra (epic as epic gets)

Notable mentions:

Thrice - Vheissu (surprisingly)
Decapitated - Organic Hallucinosis (fucken metallllllllllll)
Eleventh He Reaches London - The Good Fight For Harmony (excellent Australian band sitting somewhere between post rock, post hardcore, black metal, indie... I dunno, but they're unique and they rock)

#124454 by Biert
Mon Jun 19, 2006 3:25 am
Olive? wrote:(Thanks Biert. You're always too kind!!)

I wasn't being kind, I love that album ;)

And I won't miss out on a chance to promote it :P

#124458 by andjustinforall
Mon Jun 19, 2006 4:22 am
Oh yeah, and Thom Yorke - The Eraser. What a man.

#124465 by djskrimp
Mon Jun 19, 2006 6:31 am
andjustinforall wrote:DTB - Synchestra (epic as epic gets)

YOu had the oppotunity and you didn't take it....tsk...

DTB - Synchestra (Epic as a really epic thing)


#124466 by af_ödla
Mon Jun 19, 2006 7:20 am
Khoma - The Second Wave
Tool - 10,000 Days
Cat Power - The Greatest
Enslaved - RUUN
Amorphis - Eclipse
DTB - Synchestra
Katatonia - The Great Cold Distance
Neko Case - Fox Confessor Brings the Flood
Gorgoroth - Ad Majorem Sathanas Gloriam
Witchery - Don't Fear the Reaper
Misery Index - Discordia

#124467 by myra
Mon Jun 19, 2006 7:22 am
The Devin Townsend Band - Synchestra
Katatonia - The Great Cold Distance
SYL - The New Black
Raunchy - Death Pop Romance
The Gathering - Home
Moonspell - Memorial

It's been a good year for music!!

Type O Negative - The Profit$ of Doom
Mastodon - Blood Mountain

#124480 by Dunkelheit
Mon Jun 19, 2006 10:14 am
enslaved - RUUN

#124570 by sj_2150
Tue Jun 20, 2006 7:12 am
Guitarzan wrote:Tool-10,000 Days

the man is right, but i havent heard the new black yet...

#124636 by [brett]
Wed Jun 21, 2006 5:19 am
sj you NEED to hear it's mind blowing for the most part.

#124645 by sj_2150
Wed Jun 21, 2006 6:09 am
[brett] wrote:sj you NEED to hear it's mind blowing for the most part.

cool, but ill wait until its properly released thank you :)

#124912 by Eyesore
Sat Jun 24, 2006 11:45 pm
Noodles wrote:
Eyesore wrote:
Noodles wrote:3. Canvas Solaris - Penumbra Defuse - best instrume(n)tal album I have ever heard.

Man, when I first heard this band I was totally digging the shit out of the MP3 on Sensory's page until I noticed no one was singing. Then I was sad. :( I'm not a big instrumental fan, it get tiresome for me. I would have loved this shit if there were vocals on it.
Apparently they had a singer on their first demo and sounded like a more tech metal version of Carcass's Heartwork.

I bought this. Found it for $2 in Boston. Well worth the $2, much better than I expected, but a singer would have been awesome. As it stands it's very good, I doubt I'd pay $15 for it, but $2 is ridiculous.

#125744 by Huntor
Thu Jul 06, 2006 5:57 am
i can say the blind guardian will be my number one just from the promo copy i got off the cd i have ever heard from any band !!

#125824 by Noodles
Fri Jul 07, 2006 8:17 pm
New The Mars Volta is 2nd best, if not the best, of the year. Its so fucking dense and fucked up but still is melodic and emotional too. I DUNNO HOW THEY DO IT!!!!!!

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