onmonday may 29th at 943pm my moterh died of a massive heqrtattack. she collapsed on to the coffee table, my borther called 911 an were ther ein less than a min.
whjile waiting my brother got mymom breathing again by doing cpr.
once 911 came they got her stable.
once a tthe hospitla thogh things went form bad to worst, her blood pressure dropped and brain waves ceased and as wellas pulse and heart.
and i had tot tell my younger borther omom had died.
all this week is beena big nightmare.
next day had to set up with a funeral parlor(which did an amzing job)
the following day i picked a cemetary to bury my mom.
meanwhile im doing non stop phone calls to people.
fri june 2nd was the wake. so many peolple came and mind u this is a big funeral home it was becoming over packed.
sat. june 3rd was d day. funeral services went well and smoothly.
my friend is an opera singer and he did 2 songs. the seocnd one was the most amazing version of ave maria accompanie by the church organ.
she would have loved that.
then the drive over to the cemetary even thoguh it was short it felt like forever to get there.
then the once, there they set the coffin with mom inside. everyone put a rose ontop and paid last respect. then it was me (age 25) and my brother(age eighteen) and we kissed our roses and placed our flowers last and said goodbye to our mom who gave so much.
and yes it was raining both days.
whjile waiting my brother got mymom breathing again by doing cpr.
once 911 came they got her stable.
once a tthe hospitla thogh things went form bad to worst, her blood pressure dropped and brain waves ceased and as wellas pulse and heart.
and i had tot tell my younger borther omom had died.
all this week is beena big nightmare.
next day had to set up with a funeral parlor(which did an amzing job)
the following day i picked a cemetary to bury my mom.
meanwhile im doing non stop phone calls to people.
fri june 2nd was the wake. so many peolple came and mind u this is a big funeral home it was becoming over packed.
sat. june 3rd was d day. funeral services went well and smoothly.
my friend is an opera singer and he did 2 songs. the seocnd one was the most amazing version of ave maria accompanie by the church organ.
she would have loved that.
then the drive over to the cemetary even thoguh it was short it felt like forever to get there.
then the once, there they set the coffin with mom inside. everyone put a rose ontop and paid last respect. then it was me (age 25) and my brother(age eighteen) and we kissed our roses and placed our flowers last and said goodbye to our mom who gave so much.
and yes it was raining both days.
Last edited by alucard0848 on Sat Jun 03, 2006 8:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.