The place to speak about Dev's current projects, and everything yet to come

#123083 by angelofmetal
Fri Jun 02, 2006 4:11 am
I was always a big fan of Bill and Ted...

"Be excellent to each other."

Tracy, take care of yourself and keep your stress down in whatever ways it takes.

Your newsletters and updates are always appreciated, though. You've just got that way with words! :D

*edit* WOW, I just read some of those comments. I'm going to go trepan myself with a fork. Grraaaarrrrrgghhh...

<3 all y'all.
#125183 by snail415
Wed Jun 28, 2006 12:30 pm

I've been a Dev fan since '97. He's been a role model and inspiration to say the least. I'm 27, and I too have a child on the way. Due date is November 6th. His name will be Noah. I am excited for you both. Your child will be the reward for - and the product of - all you stand for.

I used to be in one of those bands that took the long road, with little notoriety and little income. After years of putting my personal life on hold, I took a permanent break. Of course, I'm not someone who could compare musical accomplishments with Devin, but I pissed off a lot of people by deciding to put my life first for once in a long time. I've been called everything short of a failure and a traitor. But if the 'audience' were living MY life, only then would I even consider sympathy. No regrets here.

I shouldn't even mention blabbermouth, because that's like mentioning our local TV news- No significance whatsoever. It, like so many forms of media are nothing more than sewage plants. But anyways, the fact that potshots and comments hurt your feelings says that you are very passionate about life. You care, and it's in your blood. The hard part is that people that care are their worst critics, and unwarranted criticism from a meaningless mouth doesn't help. You, Devin, and fellow musicians have sustained the hard road, and your success as well as memories should allow you to sleep easy.

This world is too big to try to encompass some kind of public yardstick with your name on it. Just not worth it. We're surrounded by dullards who are nothing more than in the way. In the end, it's your family, your friends, and your extended family and friends. I can count my friends on one hand. Wouldn't have it any other way.

A few years back SYL played in Austin, TX. I wrote a long letter, stuck it in an envelope, and drove 75 miles to see them. After the set, Dev comes out and I flag him down. No fanfare- I just shook his hand, handed him the envelope and thanked him for the music. I took off and didn't look back. But my letter thanked him for being who he is, and thanked you for being his true companion. Those signed 'thank you's in the CD shipments are heartfelt. There are thousands and thousands of 'extended friends' you both have that should supercede any gossip or foreign comments.

I haven't set foot into a venue of any kind since I saw SYL that night. I've played my acoustic guitar to the point of having no more frets. I'm married, I'm in complete control of my life, and I have a son on the way. You'll see- Once you experience that miracle of parenthood, all else will melt away. If that means the future holds music and memories that only the three of you share, then so be it. Nothing matters more.

Best wishes,

#125252 by Cliff
Thu Jun 29, 2006 8:40 am
Devin taking a break?

I always seem to be looking forward to his next album only a week after each new one comes out. My appetite for Devy is impossible to satisfy.

So,...dude. Just grab a mic and walk around your house for 60 minutes and talk to us about what you are thinking about. Then,...burn a few thousand CD copies and,....believe me, dude...I will buy it. :lol:

Tracy,...behind Devin is one super kick-ass woman...YOU!

You guys like the beach? Move down here to Miami!!

We got great beaches and I'll hook you guys up all you want down here!


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