Talk about whatever you want to here, but stay correct

#122660 by Noodles
Sat May 27, 2006 12:22 pm
As far as vocal arragements go, I'd say Maynard is one of the best there is, if not THE best. Sure Devin or Mike Patton can do jaw dropping screams, but Maynard accomplishes as much as they do with a well placed whisper or mumble.

#122661 by Seventhframe
Sat May 27, 2006 12:55 pm
Biert wrote:
Seventhframe wrote:I was lucky enough to see them in Toronto last night.
They sounded great. Definitely top in the 3 shows I've ever seen.
Now that is ART.

You sure now?

Fucking critics, a screen goes off for 25 seconds "they had lots of tech problems."
Ignoranot morons. I give that show a 9.8 out of 10.

#122692 by andjustinforall
Sat May 27, 2006 10:52 pm
Doesn't anyone else here think Adam Jones deserves a kick in the arse to get his creative juices going again? I mean it's a great album and all but let's face it, Adam Jones seems to play the same 4 notes throughout the majority of the album and the same hammer on / pull off riffs he's always done. Rosetta Stoned annoys me especially as its supposed to be one of the 'epic' songs.

Having said all that, the 5 really good songs on the album are really good. But there's not enough good songs to rival Lateralus or Aenima. Imagine if Aenima had the production of the last 2 albums... mmmmm........

#122696 by sj_2150
Sun May 28, 2006 12:02 am
i dont think you could do any better

#122699 by Pisshead
Sun May 28, 2006 2:07 am
sj_2150 wrote:i dont think you could do any better

Calm down friend, have a coffee or something.

Tool fan behaviour always alarms me, there's something unsettling about it.

#122700 by sj_2150
Sun May 28, 2006 2:14 am
Pisshead wrote:
sj_2150 wrote:i dont think you could do any better

Calm down friend, have a coffee or something.

Tool fan behaviour always alarms me, there's something unsettling about it.

:evil: :evil: :evil: DYAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRGGGGHHH!!!!!! *rips out hair*

#122715 by Tim
Sun May 28, 2006 7:46 am
andjustinforall wrote:Doesn't anyone else here think Adam Jones deserves a kick in the arse to get his creative juices going again? I mean it's a great album and all but let's face it, Adam Jones seems to play the same 4 notes throughout the majority of the album and the same hammer on / pull off riffs he's always done. Rosetta Stoned annoys me especially as its supposed to be one of the 'epic' songs.

Having said all that, the 5 really good songs on the album are really good. But there's not enough good songs to rival Lateralus or Aenima. Imagine if Aenima had the production of the last 2 albums... mmmmm........

Tool are one of my favorite bands, but I have to agree. There does seem to be a hell of a lot of callbacks to past songs on 10,000 days.

#122761 by dub
Mon May 29, 2006 1:22 am
I think that's intentional with Rosetta though.
It's kind of the bad trip to Third Eye's transcendental one, hence the riff getting repeated.

Adam Jones has admitted he's a crap guitarist.
Whatcha gonna do?

#122765 by Tim
Mon May 29, 2006 3:48 am
dub wrote:I think that's intentional with Rosetta though.
It's kind of the bad trip to Third Eye's transcendental one, hence the riff getting repeated.

I know, it's still annoying though.

#122766 by Pisshead
Mon May 29, 2006 3:50 am
dub wrote:Adam Jones has admitted he's a crap guitarist.
Whatcha gonna do?

Listen to other music :P

#122806 by Guest
Tue May 30, 2006 3:30 am
10,000 Days is a decent album, it grows a bit more everytime i listen to it.

#122813 by andjustinforall
Tue May 30, 2006 4:34 am
sj_2150 wrote:i dont think you could do any better

Of course I can't. I mean Tool are still one of, if not my favourite band, and I am a guitarist, so Jones's guitaring is always goign to have a big effect on me.

Having said that I wonder how good a lot of unknown guitarists would sound being surrounded by Danny, Justin and Maynard.

#122858 by sj_2150
Tue May 30, 2006 11:55 pm
andjustinforall wrote:
sj_2150 wrote:i dont think you could do any better

Of course I can't. I mean Tool are still one of, if not my favourite band, and I am a guitarist, so Jones's guitaring is always goign to have a big effect on me.

Having said that I wonder how good a lot of unknown guitarists would sound being surrounded by Danny, Justin and Maynard.

thats cool :)

#122866 by danra
Wed May 31, 2006 2:32 am
Well, I think the fact that this thread is still going shows how much impact the album is having....

I for one think it's favourite Tool album so far. I'd prefer a higher songs per album ratio, but then it is 70 minutes long and i'm sure the 'proper song' material still adds up to as much as you'd get on an album by any other band.

It's quite funny how many people in the music world have gone 'shit, this sounds so much like a Tool album, how rubbish, they've totally lost it'...bizarre!

First 5 songs are immense, and then you get a bit of a breather before Rosetta Stoned, then another breather and so as an album format I think it really works. Of course, maybe people just aren't used to listening to whole albums now that we've become the mp3 generation (something I have a real issue about these days).

What are the chances that there'll be less than a 5 year haitus before the next album, now that they've found a sorta-new direction and Maynard's no longer working with APC?

#123138 by Pisshead
Sat Jun 03, 2006 4:08 am

Another review of the album, quite fair I thought.

EDIT: Excerpt

Furthermore, the entire 78-minute release is ridiculously earnest and self-important. Every single track practically grabs you by the coatcuffs and screams, "This is IMPORTANT! This music is not for FUN! Don't try to ENJOY IT! Music is SERIOUS BUSINESS! STOP SMILING AT IT!" Of particular fault in this department is the drummer, who sticks in more hippy bongos, talking drums and other limp world music instruments than David Byrne at his most pretentious. And to what effect? Now instead of a strong backbeat, they've got what sounds like a guy throwing his shoe around the room. Good work there, drummer guy. Good planning.

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