#120205 by ForceFed
Fri Apr 28, 2006 6:33 pm
Fri Apr 28, 2006 6:33 pm
Kevin (me) is wandering around (REPLACE random city name), and who should he see in a CD store but Devin Townsend. Kevin approaches cooly and asks, "Wanna smoke a bowl?"
But no, if I had one question, i'd most likely ask if we could just jam together sometime. Perhaps certain herbal delights would be enjoyed, perhaps not, but to just share a musical moment with such a talented musician would be something i'd never forget.
Kevin (me) is wandering around (REPLACE random city name), and who should he see in a CD store but Devin Townsend. Kevin approaches cooly and asks, "Wanna smoke a bowl?"

But no, if I had one question, i'd most likely ask if we could just jam together sometime. Perhaps certain herbal delights would be enjoyed, perhaps not, but to just share a musical moment with such a talented musician would be something i'd never forget.