#119128 by pixillator
Tue Apr 18, 2006 6:18 pm
Hi Tracy, I didn't know where I should be posting this so I decided to post here ,maybe I can get the info from the insider....So I know about all the guitars Devin used in the past, but there's this guitar that Dev was holding when the Alien making of was filmed. It's a wood one and I think I it's autographed.It's a 6-string (I have an image of Dev holding that guitar on my disk but I don't know how to upload it :(). Did Dev actually used it to record Alien?,cause he wrote in another thread that he used a 7-string black one. Any info on that guitar from anyone would be much appreciated :)

#119148 by Atari
Tue Apr 18, 2006 10:58 pm
Ernie Ball Musicman Axis, signed by Eddie Van Halen.

I mighht be wrong.

#119169 by sj_2150
Wed Apr 19, 2006 2:15 am
i think its just the regular axis (not eddie van halen one) but who autographed it?

#119182 by pixillator
Wed Apr 19, 2006 4:44 am
thanx for the replys guys, I'll look into it... did Devin used it to record Alien tho? and yeah what about the autograph?

#119185 by beavis christ
Wed Apr 19, 2006 5:25 am
I think the guitar in question is actually Eddie Van Halens guitar that he used for the Balance record. They recorded it at the armoury and he signed it and left it there for the studio. And as far as I know that was not used on the SYL recording. Dev was just playing it cause it was neat to play one of Eddies guitars. :wink: Wouldnt you?

#119191 by sj_2150
Wed Apr 19, 2006 6:19 am
beavis christ wrote:I think the guitar in question is actually Eddie Van Halens guitar that he used for the Balance record. They recorded it at the armoury and he signed it and left it there for the studio. And as far as I know that was not used on the SYL recording. Dev was just playing it cause it was neat to play one of Eddies guitars. :wink: Wouldnt you?

but hes playing it when recording. or were they just the scratch tracks?

#119216 by pixillator
Wed Apr 19, 2006 9:51 am
beavis christ wrote:I think the guitar in question is actually Eddie Van Halens guitar that he used for the Balance record. They recorded it at the armoury and he signed it and left it there for the studio. And as far as I know that was not used on the SYL recording. Dev was just playing it cause it was neat to play one of Eddies guitars. :wink: Wouldnt you?

Thanx for the reply Beav :D...certainly, though I'd prefer to get my hands on one of Dev's guitars :wink:. By the way wasn't Devin supposed to be playing PRS guitars by now? I remember him saying that they got a great sound. Maybe he abandoned the idea when he tried a 7-string?

#119265 by Burbster
Wed Apr 19, 2006 1:09 pm
I think I heard about Devin saying that PRS are great, they're just too expensive.

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