Anybody know what is being quietly repeated in the beginning of judgement before the 'I know you're on a neverending plane..." part? It goes along with the oh-oh-oh's around the 1 minute mark. I think it sounds pretty sweet whatever it is.
Biert wrote:It's probably just something that sounds cool
LMAO, so true

Hes good with that stuff though. His lyrics arent meant to be analyzed at all, but so much meaning can be put into them.
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Bye bye bunnies

shiram wrote:it kinda sounds like :" si Chantal chantait"
or maybe : " si Chantelle chantait"
translates to if Chantal/Chantelle would sing
but its really not that clear
Arf, you've just ruined the song for me

"Do... not... eat... salad"'s still on 1st place though

I heard 'se, shouldn't tell, shouldn't tell'.... but I always knew that wasnt it.
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