Talk about whatever you want to here, but stay correct
#118049 by Pisshead
Wed Apr 05, 2006 11:34 am
I've decided to leave secondary school in the 6th year (anyone from Scotland
will know what i'm talking about, anyone else bear with me!). This is like leaving secondary school one year earlier.

I took this decision because I don't feel anything holding me down to the school e.g. no subjects appeal to me, no belief in my ability for advanced subjects etc.

The thing is, I still feel no particular aim. All of my friends have picked a career path, no matter how tenuous, and are sticking to it. I have so far not felt any kind of "calling" to any kind of profession and I do not lean towards any kind of skill.

This realisation came to me when I took a Government sanctioned test to measure and show any kind of job I'd be good at. I was the first ever to come up with NO results, or at least no definite ones; any results were "questionable"

Is this feeling of being "lost" common through all of you? I hope everyday that I can find something to aspire to and like everyone else, I want to be someone! I just don't know what.

I'm not looking for sympathy but would like any advice/similar experience...well, people?

#118050 by Biert
Wed Apr 05, 2006 11:56 am
A friend of mine had the same problem (or at least I think he did, never talked about it too much). He was a (is :P ) really smart guy, but just not motivated whatsoever at school. He struggled passing the 5th grade (where I failed :P ) and the sixt and final year he came to school the first day only, I've never seem him again in a year.

He worked a bit in the stock house of his dads company, and found out that wasn't what he wanted. So the next year he came back to school to finish at least that part of his education, but he was having trouble motivating again. Eventually he did the final years in two years.

I have no idea what he's doing now, so it's not really any help to you. I do know it sucks to be in your situation.

If I were you I'd still try and pass that 6th year, even if it would be boring and uninspiring and mindkilling and all that. Just try to bring up the discipline to do it, it'll be something you can be proud of lateron as well. And at least you'll have finished some form of decent education which will help you get the (necessary) job in the future.

After that, a lot of people decide to go travelling or something. Get your ass to Australia or whatever, and think about what you want in peace, without the hectics of your friends and family and tests putting all kinds of pressure on you. Or go to Africa and help the poor black people doing welfare work or something.

Or, I could just fuck off...

#118051 by fragility
Wed Apr 05, 2006 11:58 am
I am 21, in my final year of my degree and currently jobhunting...I feel so lost. I have nothing I aspire to, no idea what I want to do with my life and at this point I just want any decent job. My bf is exactly the same, between the two of us, we feel so lost and uncertain.

I can't really offer you any advice, but you are by no means alone. Most of your friends will change their minds, or are probably just as unsure as you! And ignore those tests....a load of rubbish!

#118052 by Biert
Wed Apr 05, 2006 12:03 pm
fragility wrote:And ignore those tests....a load of rubbish!

Oh yes, add that to my babbling!
Last edited by Biert on Wed Apr 05, 2006 1:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.

#118058 by alucard0848
Wed Apr 05, 2006 1:00 pm
take a break and see what comes up. if good work comes along that u did
and makes u happy go for it. if u feel in a yr u want to continue education go back if not ohh well just live life,life is a full time job anyway.

#118082 by gozu
Wed Apr 05, 2006 5:27 pm
i left school just at the end of 5th (without sitting the exams) due to some personal problems... it took me about a year to find an aim but it was worth just doing something futile giving me time to think.... now i'm well on my way

#118088 by hog
Wed Apr 05, 2006 6:45 pm
Well Pisshead, here ya go.

Im just up the road from you (Aberdeen)

I got 3 D's for Higher English, Geography and Biology (not bad for 0 study) I then did it again at College lol, yep 3 D's again...I didnt study.

Left College, my folks were not too happy that I was doing nothing with my life but seriously I didnt know what I wanted to do. Why work hard at a career you hate?!

So.. I got a job...worked in a photo lab, this went on for 3 years. Quit. Went to college, got an HND in photography. Started a business. Now Im busy as a photographer and it rocks. I have a car, house etc. Its all good.

Dont feel guilty about not working towards a goal if you havent decided what to do.

My best friend is a surgeon, great guy with an aim in life but it comes to some people sooner than others.

Rock on buddy.

#118099 by alucard0848
Wed Apr 05, 2006 9:37 pm
always go work in the porn industry

#118103 by King Ghidorah
Wed Apr 05, 2006 10:58 pm
Hey man, Hog is totally on the right track, what is it your into?? whatever that is, make that become your job. I work freelance as a lighting and sound tech, im getting myself some cool work and i love doing it, but it took me years (im 25) to get my shit together, so don't worry about it to much mate. You'll find what it is you want to do then you just need to go grab it.

#118105 by fragility
Wed Apr 05, 2006 11:12 pm
I guess, if you can stick it out, even if you just scrape through everything, you have ton consider what benefit having those grades would give you - as in, does it give you a couple more options. As you don't know what you want ot do, it might be wise to try and finish if you can, giving yourself more options later...but only you can decide what's best for you

#118207 by Pisshead
Fri Apr 07, 2006 8:43 am
Thanks for everyones help, it really did help me put things in perspective. Sometimes it feels like you're the only one experiencing these things since everyone else covers it up with a smile, you know?

Again thanks :D

#118226 by EternalMetal
Fri Apr 07, 2006 12:03 pm
Pisshead wrote:Thanks for everyones help, it really did help me put things in perspective. Sometimes it feels like you're the only one experiencing these things since everyone else covers it up with a smile, you know?

Again thanks :D

Definitely stick with it and finish it out. Because if you decide later that that is what you wanted to do, you wont have to waste your time, and finishing it out is just better than quitting.

I am kind of in the same situation. I am going for Pharmacology, but im not really sure what path I want to take with it. Psychology, research, pharmacist, or something totally different. I really dont know.

#118277 by mo
Sat Apr 08, 2006 2:24 am
stay cool, drop out of school

is that the slogan?

#118279 by Torniojaws
Sat Apr 08, 2006 2:57 am
alucard0848 wrote:always go work in the porn industry

Apparently the wages are VERY bad for all except the best known female stars.

#118291 by fragility
Sat Apr 08, 2006 8:27 am
Torniojaws wrote:
alucard0848 wrote:always go work in the porn industry

Apparently the wages are VERY bad for all except the best known female stars.

lol, it's something you've researched well then? ;)

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