#117781 by hog
Sat Apr 01, 2006 11:19 am
Hey man. Just a question about guitar sound.

I believe that you and Dev spent a long time working on the guitar sound for Synchestra. Just wondering what kind of Mike/mikes you used and roughly how far they were from the speakers.

My band are recording also with a Mesa and using EMG's but it sounds nothing near as nice as your sound.



#117844 by beavis christ
Mon Apr 03, 2006 6:29 am
Hmm, actually I never saw the mic setup and whatnot as it was very hard to get to and I know Dev had it under control so I didnt feel the need to explore :lol: We also used my tube screamer and a Baritone guitar, those made huge differences in the sound as well. Its funny every guitar sounds so different, so try a few different ones. I have 2 Les Pauls and 2 explorers that are pretty much the same just different years and they sound completely different and play different? We even tried a different baritone that was a different color and it was different as well. Sorry I couldnt help you more but try those things out and see if that helps at all?

#117881 by hog
Mon Apr 03, 2006 5:00 pm
That is cool Beavis, thanks for that man. Yep, will go and experiment with our different guitars.

Hog :D

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