The place to speak about Dev's current projects, and everything yet to come
#117336 by kyl88
Sun Mar 26, 2006 9:22 pm
Hey all
I have the most ridiculous question for you all.
Now i have been trying to get all my friends and family into devins music
for the last year or so, with little results. My problem isnt so much that they arent becoming fans, its more that im taking it personally. Isnt that absurd? If i gave my friends a copy of anything else, even my own music, and get no reaction, i dont seem to care much. Why do you suppose that is? Perhaps i need to get a life? Chill out? Try yoga? There is no logical reason to feel this way, and im wondering if anyone has had similar experience. Sorry for the rant-maybe the fact that devins music isnt so mainstream is part of what makes it special. Though i dont know why that would be either. Your thoughts?

#117349 by junkmonkey
Sun Mar 26, 2006 11:09 pm
i know what you're sayin dude,when i really like a band and show'em to someone else and they're like "oh they suck!" or they just don't pay attention to'em it's kinda like they're sayin "man you listen to shitty music" however that only lasts about a second and then i realize "wait a minute,i don't give a rat fuck about what you think as long as i like it!!" then the problem's solved...i hope this makes sense 'cause i'm kinda not payin attention as i'm writin this 'cause somethin's been on my mind all night and it's botherin me

#117352 by A-Daamage
Sun Mar 26, 2006 11:56 pm
I think that, really, his music is just THAT special. There really is no one else like him. I would find it very hard to believe anyone who says Truth isn't one of the greatest songs they've ever heard (I think it's THE greatest, but that's just, like, my opinion, man). Perhaps that is why it bothers you. His music is so far beyond that of the everyday, radio-single, Top 40, insipid garbage.

For instance, let's use Nickelback; if you really like Nickelback (and all the pity in the world couldn't save you) and tried to get someone else to like them as well, it's not a great shock that they wouldn't be too impressed. But with Dev, his music is just so far beyond the mundane crap that gets spewed out month after month, that it would be very hard to accept when someone doesn't see his ridiculous talent.

Of course, we here at the Forum understand how talented he is, so we are a bit biased, but we have every right to be: we have his music to back our argument. There is just no denying the awesome that is Dev.

#117375 by Greg Reason
Mon Mar 27, 2006 6:07 am
Man I have tried to get people I know into what I consider to be the best music around in all genres but sometimes people just cannot see what is so special, even if it is glaringly obvious to us. There really is no making people understand, so I just don't let it bother me. It is frustrating though, but at least we enjoy what we know is brilliant... If they come around then tey come around, if not, no biggie for us.

#117397 by Pisshead
Mon Mar 27, 2006 8:47 am
Got into an argument similar to this before..
Darkthrone or Devin Townsend Band.

My friend is deeply into Darkthrone and all I hear is repetitive, badly produced garbage. He thinks DTB is overproduced and boring.

Also whenever I bring up Devin, I get "yeah but SYL are just Fear Factory clones.."


#117398 by Zombielord1985
Mon Mar 27, 2006 8:49 am
i have converted a couple of friends into liking SYL. but none into DTB. One of my friends who i got into SYL downloaded just hypergeek and loved it. but i can see why someone who likes SYL would like that song but would a song like gaia or some of devins other emotional long songs get his attention? guess i will let him listen to it when i go to visit him in a few weeks.

#117440 by UncleTonyP
Mon Mar 27, 2006 5:27 pm
My friend is deeply into Darkthrone and all I hear is repetitive, badly produced garbage. He thinks DTB is overproduced and boring.

Also whenever I bring up Devin, I get "yeah but SYL are just Fear Factory clones.."


holy fuck, i would punch him right in the fucking taint.

#117442 by fullgore
Mon Mar 27, 2006 7:55 pm
I've gotten most of my online buddies into DTB and SYL. Outside of them though, I have a hard time getting people into DTB. SYL, though, isn't a problem. They're pretty popular in Calgary...

I think I've only been able to get one person into DTB, and that was my ex. She liked Dev's solo stuff, but only the eccentric stuff on Infinity.

#117450 by MindRevolution
Tue Mar 28, 2006 12:20 am
I accepted a long time ago that I listen to a style of music that not many people like so it doesn't bother me when people don't like what I listen to. Suprisingly my mom can mildly tolerate DTB.

#117451 by fragility
Tue Mar 28, 2006 12:24 am
MindRevolution wrote:I accepted a long time ago that I listen to a style of music that not many people like so it doesn't bother me when people don't like what I listen to. Suprisingly my mom can mildly tolerate DTB.

exactly. Everyone has different tastes, and different reasons behind those tastes. It can be very frustrating to deal with others who do not realise that fact, but other than that, I really don't give a damn whether people like a band or not.

#117458 by Synchestrated Triumph
Tue Mar 28, 2006 3:37 am
you must have a small penis. not an asumption, rather, a command. :?: wtf...kthanxbye.

now actually whats the point? I mean it's cool if you enjoy it but don't try and persuade someone else to like it like you do. thats why we go to shows because that way we can actually enjoy being with others who like our shit too! hehe right?

as for the guy that has a friend who thinks syl is a ff clone...well ff are more industrial death and syl is more thrash. so...thats impossible for syl to be a ff clone. am I right or am I right?

#117462 by Biert
Tue Mar 28, 2006 4:56 am
Pisshead wrote:My friend is deeply into Darkthrone and all I hear is repetitive, badly produced garbage. He thinks DTB is overproduced and boring.

At least he hears the difference. My mom thinks it's all the same, she couldn't tell one style from the other.
Not a lot of people can pop the bubble of distortion and screaming and aggression that covers the musical part of metal. We'll have to accept that, as much as they have to accept that we do appreciate metal.

EDIT: It sounds a bit over-dramatic and emo... It's not meant that way but you'll get the point.

#117464 by funny_little_guy
Tue Mar 28, 2006 5:58 am
I've got people in to devin and syl, it's a matter of getting them to listen to it more than once. I've found people need a couple of listens to it before they really 'get it' you know. Throw a few songs on a compliation of stuff they already love and they'll come round.

#117465 by Das Schuetzenfest
Tue Mar 28, 2006 7:01 am
funny_little_guy wrote:I've found people need a couple of listens to it before they really 'get it' you know.

It took me several test spins in my favourite record store to get into Ocean Machine - Biomech and to finally buy it. Nowadays I can't believe that I actually needed several attempts to get into Devin's music.

#117470 by Edzecrüshaer
Tue Mar 28, 2006 7:57 am
Maybe it's hard to appreciate his music the first times?

Edit: Didn't read the last posts. :wink:

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