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#117314 by Pisshead
Sun Mar 26, 2006 5:51 pm
I can't understand the skill behind this kind of music. Annoying loops played for 10 minutes under full distortion..

KK Null is playing Glasgow in April and I'm wondering if any fans can enlighten me as to how this music is so appreciated?

#117361 by dub
Mon Mar 27, 2006 4:56 am
You can approach it on a purely aesthetic level, as pleasing or terrifying noise. Or on a more cerebral level.

I would suggest some ambient listening, try recording some traffic noise and playing it backwards. See what pops out for you. Attempt to enjoy or appreciate the noise around you. Listen to the music within roadworks. The magical variations within your own computer's humming fan. Play the same note on your guitar for an hour straight. Question what sounds pleasing to you, what certain sounds conjure up, what moods they invoke.

Try to think of it as an audial Jackson Pollock. Read some John Cage. Masturbate to television static.

#117368 by BrunoN
Mon Mar 27, 2006 5:51 am
dub wrote: Read some John Cage

Or play the 4'33" cover.

#117379 by Greg Reason
Mon Mar 27, 2006 6:34 am
I love the texture of Japanese noise. Most of it is quite good.

My favourite of all the noise artists I've heard is Keiji Heino. He does a good variety of stuff; when I saw him he had guitar, vocals, drum pads and theramin all going through his looping pedal (Akai Headrush) and the rest of his board. Fuckin incredible gig.

#117394 by Pisshead
Mon Mar 27, 2006 8:41 am
I like ambient music, I can see how skill can go into making them fit moods. Just look at the majority of film soundtracks... All emotional cues provided by subtle ambience a la Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer.

But noise?

I think there's a reason why noise artists can put out like 200 albums in a career.

Nevertheless, I'll be going to see KK Null/Z'ev. Sometimes seeing a genre played out live makes the pieces fall together, at least for me

#117430 by Tren
Mon Mar 27, 2006 1:44 pm
I live on japanese noise, i have a merzbow boris split that is just two awesome. Merzbow is amazing. I'm also a massive fan of dissecting table. Ichiro Tsuji is dark. Call it noise, i call it creative experemental extreme music. Dont be afraid of it.

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