The place to speak about Dev's current projects, and everything yet to come
#112578 by DeadPatient
Sun Feb 19, 2006 12:14 am
My ears are ringing. My voice is horsed. My devil horns are on fire.

If ya couldnt of guess, my time at tonites show was amazing. So I get there early (5:20, doors open at 7) freezing my arse off with a bunch of other metalfans. Alot didnt know much about the DTB except a few along with myself. 7:05 hits and we finally get in. After a few warming shots of Southern Confort, I make my way and end up 2nd squeezed row center. The sunburst Pearl set of RVP was set-up so you know who was comming on first. There was a bit of a buzz about when ppl found out the first act. Whos DTB? Isnt this the Strapping Boy thing? I didnt say a word, I thought; " just wait, you'll understand soon. " Garth Brooks was blasting through the speakers (venue, not bands choice) then one by one, all members of the TDB came on. Bev was sporting a new hair cut, not knowing if he had it before the tour started but its short now, the band came on and Devin as always MC'd the crowd to a fuzzy feeling the their set started:


Song by Song account:

Truth - Long amazing beginning into the set, just like the DVD, the crowd was wondering

Regulator - Quickly the crowd grooved along, I cant help by say every time I hear this song live it seems to get harder and harder.

Gaia - Epic jounrey that the myself and the crowd was enjoying alot. A story with a good soundtrack

Pixillate - All of the parts sung by the female on the cd ( name escapes me at the moment ) were all sung by Dev. For the ones in the crowd that didnt know, he was amazing, I thought he pulled it off was ease.

Vampolka - A laugh. Dev asked the ppl if they wanted a little polka, not knowing what was in store they said "Yeah!" I looked around, ppl were smiling/laughing to the beat. Then a loud "Tequillia" yelled by Devin toward the end got everyone into them

Vampira - They really got everyone into them during Regulator, I think they coulda played 2 hrs and not 1 person would leave, but as soon as it started. The crunching chords start with another song that seems to get harder and harder each live time listening, 3 mics were set up allowing Bev and Mike yell "Hey!" and the crowd soon followed and poof, it was done just like that.

Dark Tranquillity then played a 40min set.
Opeth played a 1hr 30min+ set

Honestly, this was a great packaged tour but I was there mostly for DTB, good times, now im going to sleep, later.

#112581 by S D M F
Sun Feb 19, 2006 12:34 am
No doubt, this was great, and yeah it was about 12 degrees fahrenheit (dunno what that is in celcius) so my feet were numb. Like i posted before, this show was AMAZING!! Good work guys.

#112597 by rcfreak7772000
Sun Feb 19, 2006 2:00 am
i just got back, i i think i might have met you, i met someone with a group of people that came from west virginia, nifty, lots of people though, lol

im pissed off that dtb got such a short time slot, i really want to goto the one in cleveland on the 22nd, dtb is gona be the headliner :O,
but still i enjoyed the with devin on stage, i was just like "noo...don't leave me yet" :P, im amazed how he didn't miss a single note, or have his voice give out at any time. i think hes the best front man for SYL, and that still holds up here, without the attitude :P

dark tranquillity, i fall asleep during them, lol, people occasionally nudge each other, then they would get yelled at.

opeth, was amazing, sounded like the actual recording, so much energy in the music, yet so many pussies in the crowd....he kindly (yes, kindly) told the crowd to go crazy, a few people strat moshing, i push someone, and he says "stop it!, i've got my eye on you", lol

after that, i looked around to see if there was a meet the band like thingy, and there wasn't, so i hopped in the car with my friends, passed out, and woke up at a mcdonalds...
suprisingly, that was one of the best feelings i've ever had in my life, 4 of my friends half asleep, at a mcdonalds, laughing our asses off for an hour

i was dropped off at home, and i typed this, and then i ended the post

#112611 by Socialenemy69
Sun Feb 19, 2006 5:38 am
S D M F wrote:No doubt, this was great, and yeah it was about 12 degrees fahrenheit (dunno what that is in celcius) so my feet were numb. Like i posted before, this show was AMAZING!! Good work guys.

thats about -11 Celsius. You all have ballz, I salute you all Devy metal style :string:

#112636 by EternalMetal
Sun Feb 19, 2006 9:36 am
So the ulttimate question. How is Vampira live?

#112637 by S D M F
Sun Feb 19, 2006 9:39 am
EternalMetal wrote:So the ulttimate question. How is Vampira live?

FUCKING AWESOME....plain and simple. 8)

And Freak I dunno about the Moshing...When i was there for Fear Factory on 19 Apr 04 it was frikken nuts. I stayed back in the bar area last nite. And the whole meet and greet thing? Well, it was possible cuz 40 Below Summer and some other band opened for them. While the first band was playing, I was chattin with Burton, and After 40 Below Summer was done, the guys came down and talked to us. Their guitarist they a bottle of water on us guys in the pit. then came down and told us we were fucking nuts :D. Both times ive been to Mr. Smalls have been great experiences.

i'm just wondering if DTB wants to play here again like, oh i dunno, NEXT WEEK? heheh :lol:

#112639 by kremzeek
Sun Feb 19, 2006 9:59 am
Someone on the O'Beth forum said they played A Simple Lullaby in Norfolk on 2/16.

That song is just too long for the short set though.

#112643 by DeadPatient
Sun Feb 19, 2006 10:23 am
O yea, forgot to mention, it was strongly believed that something from Devin's Hummer Project was played in between the DTB and Dark Tran. change over.

Vampira was awsome live, a great rockin tune. hey SMDF, where do you live? I wanna meet up with ppl next time, I had to drive by myself cause my friends are all into other types of music, and my bandmates were all working except me.
Last edited by DeadPatient on Mon Feb 20, 2006 5:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.

#112698 by rcfreak7772000
Sun Feb 19, 2006 9:49 pm
vampolka and vampira were both amazing live, lol, devin made this excessive smiley face with his eyes wide open and his tounge out, and bobbed his head left and right to the beat of the music,
the whole crowd started doing it, and there wasn't a single person without a smile, lol
i couldn't stop laughing about it, its the most "fun" i've had at a concert

#112774 by EphelDuath666
Mon Feb 20, 2006 9:04 am
kremzeek wrote:Someone on the O'Beth forum said they played A Simple Lullaby in Norfolk on 2/16.

That song is just too long for the short set though.

WOAAAAAH!!!! Lucky bastards!!!

#112839 by EternalMetal
Mon Feb 20, 2006 4:08 pm
rcfreak7772000 wrote:vampolka and vampira were both amazing live, lol, devin made this excessive smiley face with his eyes wide open and his tounge out, and bobbed his head left and right to the beat of the music,
the whole crowd started doing it, and there wasn't a single person without a smile, lol
i couldn't stop laughing about it, its the most "fun" i've had at a concert

OMG lol. Thats so what I would have expected that song to be like live. So gay and happy and funny :lol:

#112982 by rcfreak7772000
Tue Feb 21, 2006 10:55 am
EternalMetal wrote:
rcfreak7772000 wrote:vampolka and vampira were both amazing live, lol, devin made this excessive smiley face with his eyes wide open and his tounge out, and bobbed his head left and right to the beat of the music,
the whole crowd started doing it, and there wasn't a single person without a smile, lol
i couldn't stop laughing about it, its the most "fun" i've had at a concert

OMG lol. Thats so what I would have expected that song to be like live. So gay and happy and funny :lol:

it was very...very gay and happy :P

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