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Your Favourite Devin Townsend Album


#110903 by shredi knight
Fri Feb 10, 2006 7:48 am
I can't vote yet since I won't have Synchestra untill next week.I can't imagine likeing a DT album more than Ocean Machine though,but we'll see. :D

It's interesting that in the other poll without Synchestra,Terria is beating Ocean Machine,but in this one,it's the other way around.I guess Synchestra is getting more votes from Terria fans.

#110909 by Atari
Fri Feb 10, 2006 8:33 am
*makes sticky*

#111112 by a_random_person
Sat Feb 11, 2006 9:31 am
Synchestra grew on me and it keeps getting better and better the more and more I listen to it but it (and every other Dev album) cannot beat the first impression I got when I eagerly bought the Infinity album early in the morning at Banff right before the hour long drive to the canadian rockies and listening to Dev for the first time. I spent the whole day listening to Infinity, trying to digest it all at once and doing it little by little. Hearing Truth early in the morning was just...........awesome. So I suppose it's all a matter of perspective. His other albums also captured special moments of hearing them at right time but Infinity wins over all. The Christeen EP also.

#111119 by disgruntledembryo420
Sat Feb 11, 2006 10:47 am
Synchestra. Just got it. Wow. It's going to slowly seep into my brain, but I can already tell that once it does, it's going to knock me on my ass! I love how Let it Roll leads into Hypergeek. It's like Froto music......DEATH! Nice stuff.

#111235 by EternalMetal
Sat Feb 11, 2006 11:25 pm
Its just too early for Synchestra. The OMFG ITS A NEW ALBUM mentality is still fresh, and the fact that the test of time has not been able to be told yet.

But with that said, I really do think that if Synchestra holds true, it will be my favorite album. We should have this poll again in a few months, after the new album has settled in, and then we can properly decide. Right now Synchestra has an unfair advantage, so I will go for my original favorite. ACCELERATED EVOLUTION!!!!!! It has always had that special place in my mind and music collection that no other cd can really fill. Its simplicity makes this album deep and complex. You would be amazed at how deep this album really is. It seems straightforward, but I have added so much extra meaning to it its almost sickening. I love it to death, and is always my comfort album.

#111256 by junkmonkey
Sun Feb 12, 2006 2:15 am
i love'em all!...but i'm going to hafta say Infinity,that album is like listening to God talk

#111305 by batmura
Sun Feb 12, 2006 10:36 am
This vote will reflect Synchestra quite high, just as the other vote had Accelerated Evolution almost beating Infinity.

Look at AE now.

The new disc gets many votes cause people are hot on it.

Terria and Ocean Machine followed by Infinity will win in the long run though. :)

NP: Hubi Meisel - Kailash

#111330 by EternalMetal
Sun Feb 12, 2006 3:10 pm
batmura wrote:This vote will reflect Synchestra quite high, just as the other vote had Accelerated Evolution almost beating Infinity.

Look at AE now.

The new disc gets many votes cause people are hot on it.

Terria and Ocean Machine followed by Infinity will win in the long run though. :)

NP: Hubi Meisel - Kailash

Nope, I think we are mistaken. No-one has really voted for Synchestra because of this same philosophy. I think that the album deserves appreciation and should be rated higher than it is now. Unless people dont like Synchestra that much :shock: . It may be my favorite, but I did like everyone else and tried to vote for my favorite album without the initial OOHS and AAHS of Synchestra.

#112658 by shredi knight
Sun Feb 19, 2006 11:49 am
batmura wrote:This vote will reflect Synchestra quite high, just as the other vote had Accelerated Evolution almost beating Infinity.

Look at AE now.

The new disc gets many votes cause people are hot on it......

I agree with this.It's kind of like in the Summer of 1999 when I had convinced myself that Star Wars Episode I-The Phantom Menace was the best Star Wars movie ever. :lol:

"Don't underestimate the power the newness." :D
Last edited by shredi knight on Sun Feb 19, 2006 11:54 am, edited 1 time in total.

#112701 by Burzum
Sun Feb 19, 2006 10:01 pm
Who are all these people voting Terria? What's wrong with you?


#113075 by FishyMonkey
Tue Feb 21, 2006 10:47 pm
I have to go with Infinity. It has the greatest impact on me, gets the most listens and inspires me more than even Terria or Sychestra. I think it's probably my favorite album of all time.

#113204 by Bolweevil
Wed Feb 22, 2006 10:12 pm
This poll is hard...every time a new Devin album comes out its my favorite for a while (a good sign, I guess). But, to the best of my knowledge (and who else would know my opinion better than yours truly?) here's my humble opinion of the lovely DTB catalogue:

favorite first,

Ocean Machine
Accelerated Evolution

Synchestra rocks in some many ways, but one of the best things is that its got a Terria vibe while maintaining some of the weirdness of Infinity, while adding the heaviness of AE and Physicist, and capped off with a driving vibe that reminds me of some of the better OM stuff (I just bought the Ass-Sordid demo one, and I firmly believe that the song "Ocean Machines" should have been left on the album--its awesome).

Terria is a classic and set the bar that Synchestra impressively topped.

Ocean Machine is gorgeous and is a nice combination of the weirdness and straight-up rocking vibes you get to varying degrees in all of the above mentioned albums.

Physicist marks the first music involving Devin I ever heard ('Namaste' of course) and will always have a special place in my heart.

Infinity actually has some of my favorite songs, but they fit in the ambient sort of mood song category; as an album I just don't dig it as much as the others.

AE comes last for me only because one album has to by default. It's the one I find myself playing the least, probably because it is more straightforward and is mixed a little muddy for my taste. Still love it though. It says a lot about a musician when my least favorite album is still one of favorites in general.

#113302 by Greg Reason
Thu Feb 23, 2006 8:01 am
Burzum wrote:Who are all these people voting Terria? What's wrong with you?


Tripping you are, hmm :lol:

#113547 by Jeff Baker
Sat Feb 25, 2006 3:00 am
Such a tough choice; picking a favorite DTB album seems unfair, considering that there isn't a single DTB album that doesn't belong on my favorite albums list. However, of them all, I'd say I prefer in order:

Accelerated Evolution --> Ocean Machine/Biomech --> Terria --> Infinity -->others

And the Accelerated Evolution --> Ocean Machine gap is incredibly small. And, damn it, I haven't had the spare cash to order the latest yet, so I can't comment on where it goes. No way I'm going to pirate Devy's stuff :D

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