Brainwashed wrote:gurp13 wrote:Brainwashed wrote:Here's a shot...
Kevin Gilbert's "Thud" and "The Shaming of the True"
For some reason, he's not too well know...though he should be. "Shaming" is incredibly brilliant.
I *want* to buy "Thud." It's on my list. Does that count? And, what's it like?
Hey, that's awesome. "Thud" is the only album of his you'll find for sale anywhere but the store on his it's where most people start. "Thud" is a fairly acoustic album, with piano here and there, but unlike most singer/songwriter albums, drumming and bass work is pretty relevant here. Gilbert's more or less a one man band...he played nearly everything on that album. His lyrics are also very good...very cerebral. I love his voice too, it's very passionate and ballsy. That's the best I can say, but let me tell you, he's no ordinary "singer/songwriter" type.
Toy Matinee is still an album I've very fond of. Things She Said just kills me. If it's like that, then I'll dig it.
Looping green and blue, and you will go letting yourself certainly the meal once again through the head. But after the departure, you feel free and happily like after your first orgasm - and you will beg for addition. - German review of SYL's "Alien"