Talk about whatever you want to here, but stay correct
#109830 by Pisshead
Sun Feb 05, 2006 5:53 am
Wham!! Fresh from the thread on Dark Crystal 2 comes...


Which movies/experiences/songs/whatthefuckever gave you the chills when you were younger?

#109836 by Biert
Sun Feb 05, 2006 7:12 am
Our toilet makes a whole lot of noise whet it flushes. I used to make sure I was as far away from the loo when that noise kicked in after a flush. Who knows what causes that noise, it could be some scary animal!!!

#109853 by aedro
Sun Feb 05, 2006 8:36 am
When I was really young I was petrified of masks (of any kind). From Phantom Of The Opera to the oxygen masks in Top Gun and everything inbetween... stupid? yeah...

The long dark hallway (with huge windows) in my old house used to freak me out at night as there was no light switch down the end where my bedroom was, so I used to sprint (literally) down to the other end to turn on the light if I say, needed to go to the toilet at night.

#109862 by fragility
Sun Feb 05, 2006 9:36 am
At school they alwyas used to tell us about the dangers of strangers and fires. The fires thing really really got to me, I used to have rtouble sleeping, my parents had to move the smoke alarm next to my door and stuff....then when I was older I always had nightmares of there being a fire and I had to choose who I could save :(

And my sister used to dress as a witch with these big green fingers and chase me!

And this wind up swimming frog I had for the bath

Oh and when i was about 3 my mum used to do the "HE-MAN AND THE MASTERS OF THE UNIVERSE!" thign, that used to scare me, haha, I was scared of a lot!

#109976 by Catfood
Sun Feb 05, 2006 10:14 pm
That scene in Ghostbusters where Dana opens her fridge to find a demon dimension scared the living shit out of me when I was quite young.

I watched it recently and it looked cheesy.

#110044 by BrunoN
Mon Feb 06, 2006 1:44 am
I had very low "scare-the-shit-out" treshold for movies back then. I saw part of "The thing" in the tv once and was scarred for a long time.

Catfood wrote:I watched it recently and it looked cheesy.

Sometimes it's better not to refresh such things. There was some movie - Michael Mann's "The keep", which I saw very long time ago. I remembered it as a pretty good movie with great atmosphere. I tried to watch it recently and couldn't penetrate thick wall of tedium cemented with cheese. Action was slower, and special effects were worse than I remembered :?

Book is decent, though.

#110065 by Cav
Mon Feb 06, 2006 4:55 am
Spiders for a long time - when I was four I got my head stuck between the posts of our staircase (I can't remember how, which is probably for the best!) and my face was right next to a spider web. It was only a daddy long legs, but any spider's freaky when it's practically up your nose.

Also, escalators for a while. I was playing with my little brother and climbed up on the side of one: I perched myself on the outside of the belt so it'd carry me up, but lost my nerve when I'd gotten high enough to jump. I got to nearly the top of the thing before someone lifted me over, otherwise it would've meant a very painful & most likely terminal drop.

So, I was an active young tyke :)

#110116 by Dunkelheit
Mon Feb 06, 2006 9:11 am
the fucking "it" clown! and freddy krugger!

and i was a bit afraid of the dark

#110120 by fragility
Mon Feb 06, 2006 9:18 am
I'm still terrified of daddy long legs too!

#110125 by Goat
Mon Feb 06, 2006 9:47 am
Ssssssssnakesssssssssss! :fear: Respect, but stay away from me. It's not a fear really, if it's not poisonous I can take it in my hand, but those fast killing fucks on discovery AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!

I hate horror movies, watched The House when I was little, fuck! Now I know what gets me: it's the music! Fucking high strings start really quiet and build an atmosphere so now I'm just like "Aha, ok, so in about 3-5 secs I'll jump out of my skin. ... C'mon, do it alreaAH fuck you!" Tried watching horror with the sound off and it's like cutting the rapist's dick clean off, haha. Can't get me now, idiots. But no fun. (whoa, not sure about this pun :shock:)

I also prefer light to dark.

At the end, I'm absolutely frightened of aggressive people. Creatures I can't communicate with and want to harm me scare me the most. I'm a sissy, rudy-poo candy-ass chicken, I know, but hey, I'm not into body contact with anything but the ladies. :wink:

#110127 by Dunkelheit
Mon Feb 06, 2006 9:51 am
sissy, rudy-poo candy-ass chicken


#110128 by Persuader
Mon Feb 06, 2006 10:14 am
Dunkelheit wrote:the fucking "it" clown!

I read the book, and it scared the shit out of me, couldn't read it at night at all.

#110129 by Goat
Mon Feb 06, 2006 10:20 am
Dunkelheit wrote:sissy, rudy-poo candy-ass chicken


What? You don't know if you'd smack me, flush me, suck me, fuck me or eat me if you met me?

#110161 by psychotic
Mon Feb 06, 2006 1:26 pm
I'm still terrified of spiders and actually have serious uncontrollable behavioral reactions if they touch me or anything like that.

Ones that I don't have anymore:

lightning storms and other severe weather
the dark
being in certain rooms all alone
walking anywhere in the dark
dogs (lasted a VERY VERY short time, over it by the time I was 5 or 6)
the French

#110191 by Niles Xalon
Mon Feb 06, 2006 3:01 pm
lightning storms and other severe weather
the dark
Slugs (because of the Horror movie Slugs when I saw it when I was 8 at my late Aunt's house)
Bleedling to death from nose bleed (I'm on Blood thinner forver now because my stroke back in November 2004)

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