I hope some of you are in the area and are fans, because at the Town Hall Opeth is playing songs off of each one of their albums! No opening act and some new stage setups and stuff. Got my tickets for sure, just thought I'd let some of you know since we've got some pretty big fans in here! Sadly, they're only doing this type of show on 3 dates in America and I believe this is the only time they're going to do something like this. Oh well. I'll also be at the Hartford CT show with Devin and Dark Tranquillity for sure. Damn, 3 of my favorite bands on one bill? Insane if I'd miss that
Whats the story? They are playing songs off of every album?
Yea, ill be their. I missed the day they went on sale, so I have balcony seats. Wish I could have gotten better seats, but I cant wait!!!!
Yea, ill be their. I missed the day they went on sale, so I have balcony seats. Wish I could have gotten better seats, but I cant wait!!!!

Devin Townsend Band Forum signature, add cool quote <HERE>
Bye bye bunnies
Bye bye bunnies

Yea, I ended up with balcony seats too. But don't worry too much because there really isn't a bat seat in the house. I saw Porcupine Tree there last year on the balcony and could see everything. The sound wasn't that great though and I'm hoping there's a better sound at this one. Probably one of the last times I could hope on hearing some of the Orchid material live
And yes, the story is that they are playing at least two songs off each album. Fuckin-a!
And yes, the story is that they are playing at least two songs off each album. Fuckin-a!
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