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#104253 by Pisshead
Sun Jan 08, 2006 6:16 am
Anyone else love any version (movie, book, play) of this?

It's my favourite book but no one has nailed it in any of the movies.

Totally badass.


#104255 by sj_2150
Sun Jan 08, 2006 6:26 am
:lol: hehe, dick...

#104259 by Pisshead
Sun Jan 08, 2006 6:34 am

Don't fuck with the Dick

#104260 by beavis christ
Sun Jan 08, 2006 6:34 am
I watched the original movie with Dev and it took a bit to get into it at first but if you can get past the oldness and what not, it is a great movie. I have never read the book but I actually only became interested in it when I heard that Mastodon had written an album around it. And being a huge fan of that album I had to check out the movie, which brought a whole new understanding of the songs. I really should read the book, but I dont know if I have the patience. :wink:

#104262 by Pisshead
Sun Jan 08, 2006 6:36 am
I saw the original when I was 10 maybe before Guy Fawkes night (that thing in the UK when we burn a bonfire and shoot off fireworks all night) and it stuck with me through my life. Couldn't concentrate on the fireworks for thinking of Moby Dick and shit. :D

#104269 by beavis christ
Sun Jan 08, 2006 6:42 am
Yup! That is one crazy movie, it is definately a movie I will never forget, and for me that is saying something. Movies normally dont interest me to much but every once in a while.....

#104272 by Pisshead
Sun Jan 08, 2006 6:44 am
There should be HEAVY METAL remake of Moby Dick, with black metallers going out in speedboats in full corpse paint, gargling.

Maybe Dev as Captain Ahab? :lol: He's crazy enough and would look good in the captains garb.

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