HauntingTheHoly wrote:This is exactly correct that the song refers to the Phantom, and I really think that part is so obvious that it goes without saying. Of course, one would have to be familiar with the Phantom of the Opera, as you said. The only question for discussion is: How satirical is this song? I do sense the faux-emotion you mention, but I also could see the song simply being something Dev wanted to write to honor the Play or whaterver. *shrug*
I guess if it was "only" meant to honor Phantom Of The Opera, the quotations would have just appeared on this one song, but Christeen is not the only song where connections to Webber's musical can be found. Not just because of the lyrics, but also concerning the music. So yeah... That's why I prefer using the word "influence" rather than saying that Dev "pays honor" to it.
But you're right, the quotations are very obvious, so the possibility is still given. And maybe it's both, since it isn't a contradiction at all. Unless Devin discussed it in an interview, all we can do is guess.
EDIT: Oh yeah, of course - when you're influenced from something and you kinda "re-use" it in your own art, then that's also some sort of paying honor to it, right? Even if you didn't mean to do so. (Which sometimes is just a nice way of saying that you stole an idea.)