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#95078 by Eyesore
Mon Nov 14, 2005 10:20 pm

OK, so they have a new singer. He's different. At times he can sound a bit mainstream, "Under A Soil And Black Stone" (huh?) is a clear example, kind of has a Chad Kroeger sound to his voice on that song (at least in the short clip)! :shock: But he's also got a Sentenced quality, as well. Regardless, the death metal vocals are back it appears, and on quite a few songs, too! Wow! Unbelievable.

I can't wait for this album now!
Last edited by Eyesore on Thu Dec 22, 2005 12:36 am, edited 1 time in total.

#95127 by TimCo
Tue Nov 15, 2005 6:52 am
I'll say he's different! Tracks 2, 4, 5 sounds like they've become Paradise Lost. Can't wait to check it out, though I really liked the last singer.

#95133 by Dunkelheit
Tue Nov 15, 2005 8:00 am
im gonna miss the old singer

#95175 by CardDinour
Tue Nov 15, 2005 11:25 am
ive only got am universum and i really like it. ill get elegy soon too, im VERY excited for the new album :)

#95185 by Eyesore
Tue Nov 15, 2005 12:06 pm
CardDinour wrote:ive only got am universum and i really like it. ill get elegy soon too, im VERY excited for the new album :)

Ooh, Elegy is a killer album. I like all their albums, except the Privilege Of Evil EP, that's straight up death metal and me no likey.

#95187 by CardDinour
Tue Nov 15, 2005 12:28 pm
i heard Alone and thought it was super and AU was only $9.99US so why not ;) and at first i didnt like it cos of its simplicity but it grew on me and its totally fantastic to listen to all the time :D

so hmm amorphis are one band that im very keen to dive further into.

i liked the vocalist off that album too, he wasnt bad, but there could be better!

heres hoping the new album is a killer one!!

#95189 by Eyesore
Tue Nov 15, 2005 12:42 pm
CardDinour wrote:i heard Alone and thought it was super and AU was only $9.99US so why not ;) and at first i didnt like it cos of its simplicity but it grew on me and its totally fantastic to listen to all the time :D

so hmm amorphis are one band that im very keen to dive further into.

i liked the vocalist off that album too, he wasnt bad, but there could be better!

heres hoping the new album is a killer one!!

They get heavier the further back you go. They pretty much abandonded the death metal vocals after Elegy, except for a few short instances. Basically, take the proggy elements to their newer stuff, beef it up a bit and add some groovy death metal growls and you've got a good idea what Elegy, The Karelian Isthmus and Tales From The Thousand Lakes sound like. They're best heard, though. Start with Elegy and work your way back. Great, great stuff.

Or buy Chapters, or Story, they're collection CDs.

#101053 by Eyesore
Thu Dec 22, 2005 12:36 am
Well, it's official, I just got the promo for this album today and Eclipse is FUCKING AWESOME! This album is much heavier than recent albums, much more old school, Elegy-era Amorphis than recent albums, generally they kind of hover around the Sentenced style, rather than the real proggy stuff they did on the past few albums. Eclipse is much heavier, it does boast some death metal vocals on tracks like "Leaves Scar," "The Smoke" and "Perkele (The God Of Fire)" which makes them very, VERY Elegy-like. The folk elements are there as always and they still retain some proggy elements like the song "Under A Soil And Black Stone" (aka: "Our English Sucks"), but this singer's vocals kind of come off a bit Nickelback-ish at times, he's got a gruff singing voice and this is what it sounds like to me. Don't worry, musically there is no Nickelback present. There are also some new things like the song "Shame Flesh," which almost has a power metal like chorus (you'll have to hear it).

Overall it's a great fucking CD. It should please those who miss the old stuff, but still dug on the proggy shit. A very good balance of the two. This will be one of the best albums of 2006...EASY.

#101057 by LordPaul
Thu Dec 22, 2005 1:04 am
I don't like the new singer's voice at all.

He sounds a bit too "power metal" for my tastes.

Musically it's fantastic, but I rate everything they've done (even the last 3) & I was well disappointed when they lost the old singer.

I'll still be buying it though.

#101074 by Greg Reason
Thu Dec 22, 2005 2:51 am
I'm excited. I'm downloading this one at the moment, I'm going to wait until I have the whole thing before I listen to it...

I love Amorphis, I have every album and I think Elegy and Am Universum are best... Not a huge power metal fan and I do really like Pasi Koskinen's voice but I'm willing to give this new lineup a chance... If this sounds more like Elegy then I will be hell keen.

#101149 by Greg Reason
Thu Dec 22, 2005 9:51 am
OK... I heard it. I would say it is quite the opposite to a "return to form"... It hurts me to acknowledge this because I love their past albums so much, but I think this album is their worst ever, and I really don't like the new singer's voice. I'm fairly hurt by this, actually... And they never toured Australia with Pasi... :cry:

#101167 by Eyesore
Thu Dec 22, 2005 10:40 am
Greg Reason wrote:OK... I heard it. I would say it is quite the opposite to a "return to form"... It hurts me to acknowledge this because I love their past albums so much, but I think this album is their worst ever, and I really don't like the new singer's voice. I'm fairly hurt by this, actually... And they never toured Australia with Pasi... :cry:

BAH! Worst ever? No way. This is a great album. New singer, yes, so they have a different sound vocally, but musically this is a definite mix of Elegy and the new shit. Are you saying a song like "Perkele" isn't awesome?!?

Give it some time and more listens. You may change your mind.

#101493 by Dunkelheit
Fri Dec 23, 2005 9:00 am
i just heard a new track by them

i think they'll do just fine

#101533 by Mulzi
Fri Dec 23, 2005 10:32 am
I'm excited! Amorphis is one of my favourite bands and Pasi used to be high on the respected singers list. The new singer might have some more variety with his voice and my expectations are high. There is potential.

Fave albums are Elegy and Tuonela. Especially I like the mood of Tuonela which is really beautiful. In the same way I appreciate Ocean Machine. The formula is simple=> Add echo to guitar => Mulzi is hooked

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