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#100277 by alucard0848
Mon Dec 19, 2005 9:36 pm
ok the girl im kinda friends and i like her, i wanna get her a gift and i have gotten couple of things and still need to get a few more i just have some ideas of how to present them and need help deciding.

1)all the small things in a basket and the rest wrapped up
2) 2 or 3 wrapped boxes
3) i saw a decorative wooden chest off white with painted flowers on the lid and front of the chest they are white roses and lillies and was thinking
of paper wrapping everything and putting it into the chest and numbering them for her to go by on top will be the fun silly stuff and the more she would go to the bottomthe more expensive and more the meaningful the gift. and close the chest, shut by tying it shut with really pretty ribbon. the last gift would be a box at the bottom,of the chest and inside would be a hello kitty tshirt that has kitty blushing and cutesy and the saying says to the line of if u think of nice things boys will buy u diamonds and under the tshirt would be some jewelry.

so i have a tough choice any help would be appreciated

#100296 by Melissa
Mon Dec 19, 2005 10:56 pm
I absolutely agree. If you really want to impress, it's all about the effort and thought that you put into it. I mean, anyone can buy and wrap a gift (OK, maybe not everyone :P ), but you're last idea is really kind and thoughtful. I'm sure she'd appreciate that. :D

#100297 by Spinalcold
Mon Dec 19, 2005 11:02 pm
wow, that's elaborate and quite creative, I likes. If it feels right, go with it. Personally, I'm not one for christmas, I think all the rituals don't have a meaning and no one really thinks about following tradition...follow the flock. So I do give some presents (part of being caught in these damn social structures), but I never wrap them, wrapping just has no point for me. but in your situation go for it.

don't know why I wanted to share that :-P

#100299 by alucard0848
Mon Dec 19, 2005 11:15 pm
the last things i have to get is jewelery and i played that cleverly i told her i need something for my mom and a relative and i dont know what to get cause i dont buy jewelry so i told look through the zales book and mark stuff that u wish u could buy. so i have to choose 2 things maybe 3
(well zales did give me a nice credit limit lol tempted to buy everything she marked) besides that she wants a nano and im following that up at the nearest 3 bestbuys told me to check back early in morning to see if any new ones came in,black eyed peas cd(she likes the hump song lol)
and im gonna go buy the flower antique looking trunk as the gift holder.

so far i got her a dolce&gabban hat, peanut butter splurge chocolate,bobby brown fragrence and bath beach set, another bath set but i only got cause itsin ceramic angel holder that matches a statue
in her apartment building

i think im gonnna go with either white roses or kalalillies to put on the bow on top or inside lying ontop of everything thats on the top

#100300 by alucard0848
Mon Dec 19, 2005 11:20 pm
she doesnt celebrate xmas not part of her religion but she likes the festivities that go with it, plus i didnt get anything for her bday or her holiday so a little bit of makeup for that. i have badluck with women in general so instead of talking im gonna let actions speak louder than words.

#100305 by fragility
Mon Dec 19, 2005 11:56 pm
Yeah, option 3 sounds great if you really want to impress...but ultiamtely, if you've put the thought and effort into it (ie any of the options) thats all that matters :)

#100323 by FUBAR
Tue Dec 20, 2005 2:44 am
3 :)

#100359 by sj_2150
Tue Dec 20, 2005 6:32 am
doesnet matter, just be nice :D

#100392 by Biert
Tue Dec 20, 2005 8:30 am
The 3rd option is 5 lines, the others are only one, so it's pretty much your only choice if you want to impress a girl.
Good luck!

#100393 by Blazingmonga
Tue Dec 20, 2005 8:34 am
The third option is the best because it has the most thought put into it. However, it needn't be the most expensive.

I am sure it will all work out and she will love whatever you get her in the end.

#100396 by Biert
Tue Dec 20, 2005 8:39 am
Just wondering, is it still the same girl you asked advice about a while ago?

But seriously, an iPod Nano? And jewelery? And Dolce and Gabbana? And a CD? And a large chest? And some more? Damn!

#100406 by sj_2150
Tue Dec 20, 2005 9:29 am
Biert wrote:Just wondering, is it still the same girl you asked advice about a while ago?

But seriously, an iPod Nano? And jewelery? And Dolce and Gabbana? And a CD? And a large chest? And some more? Damn!

he better marry this chick...
i mean, im such a tightass the most expensive thing i would give a girl is a bunch of flowers! Fuck dude!

#100427 by Biert
Tue Dec 20, 2005 10:05 am
Flowers from her own back yard? Haha. I'm so funny.

#100437 by sj_2150
Tue Dec 20, 2005 10:09 am
Biert wrote:Flowers from her own back yard? Haha. I'm so funny.
acctually that would be the most effort i would put in...,

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