Talk about other artists here (even though they all rip off Meshuggah)
#274453 by Abydost
Tue Jul 12, 2011 1:19 am
So the past two weeks I have been listening to Planetary Duality by the Faceless at least twice a day and I'm trying to find something similar so I don't wear it out. I've checked out Decapitated, Gorod, Martyr and a few songs by Nile but still want that same clean "plastic" production feel I get from Planetary Duality. Halp?
#275345 by aleksi
Fri Jul 22, 2011 5:15 am
Justice. A french electro artist that is sort of a darker version of Daft Punk. It makes me so happy that this song has almost 10 million views on youtube. If you know anything even remotely similar to this please pm me.


It's way better in 720p:

The single for a yet to be released album also kicks major ass. This one is more commercial even has a catchy chorus.

Seriously, I need more music like this :D
#275410 by EphelDuath666
Fri Jul 22, 2011 10:18 pm
listening to a lot of Bohren & der Club of Gore currently, if you enjoy dark music then it's not gonna get any darker than Bohren


but sometimes there's also room for a bit of light in their music


I'm also listening to Macabre a lot lately. Their music is a mix of thrash metal, death metal and grindcore and their songs are all about serial killers. Sounds sick and it is sick but also pretty funny as it's all meant tongue in cheek.


and if you like Neurosis and Celtic Frost I recommend you to give Unearthly trance a try because they sound like the bastard child of both bands.

#279896 by mrbean667
Sat Sep 03, 2011 6:28 pm

VERY obscure Dutch prog artist from the 70's. Was able to pick up a copy of his album for a reasonably low price on Ebay from some dude called Mikael.
#280062 by walt
Mon Sep 05, 2011 10:20 pm

For more on a similar noir jazz sound (minus the doom elements) check the Miles Davis soundtrack to Ascenseur pour l'echafaud (Elevator to the Gallows)



Personal teenage years classic. Think of a punk/industrial/hardcore/Godfleshier version of Sepultura.....or something... :D
#280077 by Bookwyrm83
Tue Sep 06, 2011 3:56 am
Disembowelment - Australian death/doom, only released 1 album, and EP and demos, but those are on a 2CD compliation (3CD for those lucky to obtain it, myself included).
Been going on a doom binge, and decided to revisit them. If you haven't heard them before, and you like this side of doom, check them out.
#297400 by aleksi
Thu Mar 15, 2012 12:37 pm
Sup people. I love Devin, Mew, Porcupine Tree and Dredg. I've hit a massive wall and haven't found good music in those genres in a few years. I demand new bands!!!

Meanwhile everyone enjoy some electronic elevator music Pretty Lights:
#297427 by Biert
Thu Mar 15, 2012 3:58 pm
aleksi wrote:Sup people. I love Devin, Mew, Porcupine Tree and Dredg.

And Anathema.

Have a go at Crippled Black Phoenix (their previous album was in this thread a long time ago).

And it turned out to be a bitch to find on the Youboob but I really like this ...And You Will Know Us By The Trail Of Dead album, Tao Of The Dead.
#297442 by A-Daamage
Thu Mar 15, 2012 11:09 pm
I saw the post of Loss, above, which I quite liked, and I immediately thought of Ahab. Yet Another Raft of the Medusa has quite possibly the loneliest intro in the history of music. They have a new album, "The Giant", coming out in May, and I am salivating. I don't think I've heard doom metal done better.

#300490 by Leechmaster
Tue May 01, 2012 11:06 am
Birds of Passage.

A one-woman project from New Zealand that next to no-one appears to have heard of. Her stuff is very minimalistic musically and she has a wonderful floaty voice that goes perfectly with the music she plays. If you like ambient or soft electronic music or even Sigur R

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