Talk about other artists here (even though they all rip off Meshuggah)
#257516 by Keeker
Mon Feb 28, 2011 3:37 pm
Och. Anything that nobody else likes.
#257522 by soundsofentropy
Mon Feb 28, 2011 4:21 pm
Billy Rhomboid wrote:
Aden wrote:Cradle of Filth. Dani's ....Kinda witch-like, ... pretty cool. (When I was 10 and saw the video for 'Her Ghost In the Fog' for the first time, I couldn't tell if he was a man or a woman... but that was somehow cooler)

I'm ... reasonably easily swayed by sex appeal.

Dude, there is a line between guilty pleasures and suicide note.

Serious lulz.

ppinkham wrote:Nickelback. I like Nickelback.

Them's fightin' words? I can't tell them apart from Stain'd, and both those bands kind of sicken me in the way that Disturbed, Godsmack, and the like do--there is just something intrinsically wrong with rock done for pop's sake, I think...

Someone mentioned Winger--have to add them to the list, because "Seventeen" is easily one of the most awkward songs to be vomited out of the '80s. But I still dig it. Also, plenty of Oingo Boingo goes in the same "creepy, but awesome" dish. Also, I forgot to mention shit like Sonata Arctica, Stratovarius, and Kamelot--I haven't listened to any of them in forever, but I still enjoy a tune or two.

swervedriver wrote:Also, the Dragonball Z soundtracks.

But do you stand in place for hours at a time, grunting and flexing until your hair is bleached? I'm actually not sure if I'm describing Dragon Ball Z or Jersey Shore now...
#257529 by Aden
Mon Feb 28, 2011 6:02 pm
soundsofentropy wrote:
shit like Sonata Arctica, Stratovarius, and Kamelot--I haven't listened to any of them in forever, but I still enjoy a tune or two.

Sonata Arctica aren't bad. Tony Kakko can sing too... at Bloodstock he was very on-pitch throughout (no autotune as far as I could tell :P )

Kamelot aren't bad either, some of their songs are pretty epic. 'Love You to Death' is catchy, and 'Ghost Opera' is a good song too.
#257531 by Leechmaster
Mon Feb 28, 2011 6:12 pm
I always fucking HATED power metal but Orl used to love the stuff so I'd hear a lot of it.. the mention of Sonata Arctica there (her favourite for aaaaaaages)... I had to go to YouTube..



#257534 by Aden
Mon Feb 28, 2011 6:27 pm
How come Orla never posts on here anymore?

It is so cheesy, but it can be a good laugh. S'nice to have some music that you don't have to take so srsly. I haven't listened to any in quite a while though actually.
#257536 by Leechmaster
Mon Feb 28, 2011 6:41 pm
She was banned for a month for saying nigger and then when she made a new account to explain the context she meant it in and apologise for causing offence she was permanently banned for making more than one account...

I will concede that power metal has it's place in the world. I for one do thoroughly love a good singalong to Edguy every now and again! :P
#257538 by Bookwyrm83
Mon Feb 28, 2011 8:00 pm
Billy Rhomboid wrote:
Bookwyrm83 wrote:80's power ballads i.e.:
Phil Collins - In The Air Tonight

No, I'm sorry. That just makes you a cunt.

Fair enough.

Billy Rhomboid wrote:I guess my killer dance routine to 'Living La Vida Loca'...

Suddenly we're in the same category.
#257541 by Octillus
Mon Feb 28, 2011 8:20 pm
In this household, I live with a lot of metal guys who give me a lot of shit for listening to a lot of stuff (the irony is the three of them all have wildly different metal tastes), so I get shit for most of what I listen to...

That said, I only ever feel self conscious, at least these days, when I rock some Running Wild. Not really into German power metal (or any power metal really), but I love stuff that is more in the vain of early 80s metal, even when it's cheesy as this:
#257545 by mrbean667
Mon Feb 28, 2011 8:43 pm
I don't know if I have any guilty pleasures, I guess Muse? Everyone I know seems to hate them.
#257551 by JuZ
Mon Feb 28, 2011 11:52 pm
mrbean667 wrote:I don't know if I have any guilty pleasures, I guess Muse? Everyone I know seems to hate them.

Funny how much vitriol they generate, isn't it?

I'm in the not-ashamed-of-liking-stuff category. But I am an eternal sucker for catchy pop songs that many other people seem to hate. I just enjoy it as entertainment. Justin Timberlake, for example.

Oh, and that Running WIld song rocks!
#257556 by swervedriver
Tue Mar 01, 2011 1:31 am
soundsofentropy wrote:
swervedriver wrote:Also, the Dragonball Z soundtracks.

But do you stand in place for hours at a time, grunting and flexing until your hair is bleached? I'm actually not sure if I'm describing Dragon Ball Z or Jersey Shore now...

That's pretty much my morning routine, yeah.
#257577 by aleksi
Tue Mar 01, 2011 8:30 am
Leechmaster wrote:I always fucking HATED power metal but Orl used to love the stuff so I'd hear a lot of it.. the mention of Sonata Arctica there (her favourite for aaaaaaages)... I had to go to YouTube..


It makes me so glad I'm almost deaf for the cheese. Couldn't listen to porcupine tree if I wouldn't be able to ignore it. "--moonlight's bleeding from out of your heart--" :|
#257592 by Tyroshai
Tue Mar 01, 2011 11:41 am
I love cheesy metal covers. Also loads of 80's/90's indie and rock with a smattering of Jimmy Nail (thanks to my mother *shudders*), early Sega/Tombi/Soul Calibur game soundtracks and...Kernkraft400's 'Zombie Nation' :P
#257631 by soundsofentropy
Tue Mar 01, 2011 5:00 pm
swervedriver wrote:
soundsofentropy wrote:
swervedriver wrote:Also, the Dragonball Z soundtracks.

But do you stand in place for hours at a time, grunting and flexing until your hair is bleached? I'm actually not sure if I'm describing Dragon Ball Z or Jersey Shore now...

That's pretty much my morning routine, yeah.

You should probably film it in installments so you can become an internet sensation. Just make sure nothing happens until the end, though. Wouldn't want to lose any of that tension.

Leechmaster wrote:She was banned for a month for saying nigger and then when she made a new account to explain the context she meant it in and apologise for causing offence she was permanently banned for making more than one account...

That seems easy enough to get around (not like these forums require identification of any sort). Not that I support that sort of thing. I guess I'm either trying to say that she's exceptionally honest or that she's just lurking/posting under another name.

Speaking of ze Germans, Octillus, how about the fucking Scorpions? Seriously bad, but seriously fun.


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