"Warning: This album will pound your ass like Ron Jeremy."
I really, really want this album.
I really, really want this album.
Edkaye wrote:danceswithchickens wrote:Lots of myths and misinformation out there...there's also supposed to be a certain frequency that can get girls off without physical contact...could give a whole new meaning to The Hummer...
Yeah, it is a $100 note. Zing!
the fluke wrote:i find all this infrasonic stuff really interesting.
so maybe somebody can answer this question for me. what is the lowest frequency that can be stored / replicated on compact disc.
i would have thought that there is some limit, say 20Hz (like our ears). it wouldn't seem feasible or even that smart to create a medium that could contain frequencies lower that what our ears will allow. it would simply take up too much room that could be dedicated to more useful audible sound.
also. when you say sun o))) has frequencies of 4Hz...what exactly do you mean. those frequencies are contained on the recording?? explain??
danceswithchickens wrote:Just because you can't hear the tone, it doesn't mean that you can't experience the effects of it on your surrounding environment, namely, the air rushing past your ears at 5 times per second, or the panels in you car vibrating at 5 times per second.
the fluke wrote:danceswithchickens wrote:Just because you can't hear the tone, it doesn't mean that you can't experience the effects of it on your surrounding environment, namely, the air rushing past your ears at 5 times per second, or the panels in you car vibrating at 5 times per second.
but you can't experience it if the gear you're using can't replicate it.
after a bit of quick research it seems digitial audio has a full audio band frequency response of 5 - 22,000 Hz.
now, if you look at most amplifiers, they'll commonly have a frequency response of 20Hz to 20kHz.
so it seems to come down to the frequency respones of the amplifier and speakers you're using as to weather or not those infrasonic frequencies can be processed and replicated.
maybe it came out wrong, but i wasn't really saying it has anything to with complexity. more frequency response. i'd just figured that since most common systems aren't capable of replicating frequencies lower that 20hz that it'd be a waste to create a medium capable of storing frequencies that can't be replicated. but like you, i'm no expert, so i'd love to hear from anyone with an expert opinion.......
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