Id go with no one knows, very little is acually known about Devlab...... its all so mysterious
Meshuggener wrote:i saw some tits tonight!! well good line on track 8.. sorry i know it isn't about the hot melt glue gun thing but i found the vocal track on that song very funny too, makes me think of a dirty version of the muppets show for some reasondunno if it's a sample from a tv show or something.. maybe someone can enlighten me on that?
Sounds like another strange Canadian TV show...but other than that, I dont know. I guess Dev is the only one who can answer!

"Mongo only pawn in game of life..."
ok mr dev man, can you answer my quandry? is it a sample from a tv show/another source or is it a random humourous thing you made yourself? i think this'll be a dead end personally.. please help 

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