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Your favourite song on Dark Matters?

PostPosted: Fri Oct 31, 2014 10:00 pm
by iguanaofdoom
In a similar vein to the other thread, pick your favourite 3.

Re: Your favourite song on Dark Matters?

PostPosted: Sat Nov 01, 2014 3:41 am
by Chris87
Same as with Sky Blue, I'm still waiting to actually vote.

Current list for me:
1. War Princess
Just an overall nice song with a stunning performance from Dominique Lenore Persi. Perfect fit for that role, really. Even the dialogue with the Poozer has a nice atmosphere to it due to the guitar in the background.
2. Dimension Z
Although I unfortunately did not notice in time to be part of the choir, I already listened to the version for that about a 100 times before the album came out. It's so good to finally have the final version without a metronome :D. Fun to sing along and I love the guitar work. Very unconventional.
3. From Sleep Awake
Greatest harmonies for my taste on the album and overall great mood to start the album. Really would have enjoyed more in that style.

Although Deathray and Ziltoid Goes Home are really awesome songs, I don't think they'll go to my favorite list. Pure heavy stuff without much melodies is just not my type of music, with Meshuggah being the only exception due to the great rhythmic work. But as straightforward as these songs sound, I don't see them growing on me much.

Re: Your favourite song on Dark Matters?

PostPosted: Sat Nov 01, 2014 5:12 am
by Kong89
I went for March of the Poozers, Ziltoid Goes Home and War Princess.

Dimension Z ended up being a bit disappointing for me despite being pretty hyped after hearing the snippet for the choir. The song doesn't ever really seem to go anywhere and lacks the same awesome singalong feel that Before We Die has on Sky Blue.

Re: Your favourite song on Dark Matters?

PostPosted: Sat Nov 01, 2014 12:01 pm
by debs
love march of the poozers

Re: Your favourite song on Dark Matters?

PostPosted: Sat Nov 01, 2014 12:15 pm
by MikzorTheFirst
Ziltoid Goes Home takes the lead here. At the end of the day I AM a metalhead and fast music is fun! :) The sense of urgency in the verses is exhilarating, and the rest is just massive!

March of the Poozers is a lot of Tim Burton-y fun as well, and War Princess is positively hypnotic.

Can't get enough of Deathray either. Dat groove.

Earth is emerging as a new favourite as well.

Re: Your favourite song on Dark Matters?

PostPosted: Sat Nov 01, 2014 8:51 pm
by NamasteLikeBender
#1: War Princess. Holy fuck, I already liked Stolen Babies, especially their debut, but this might be the single-best performance any guest vocalist has ever dropped on any Devin Townsend album. That's saying something, because I also love "Angel" off of Epicloud, and Greg Puciato's rampage in The Mighty Masturbator. Simply sublime.

#2: Ziltoid Goes Home. Speaking of sublime, I love the choral arrangement on this track. Whoever says that choirs can't work in metal needs to listen to this.

#3: Ziltoidian Empire, sans dialogue. I liked the original even with the dialogue, but without the dialogue it just becomes that much better because I can focus more on all the silliness going on towards the end, as well as that section before the "I am nowhere; I am no one" vocals.

Re: Your favourite song on Dark Matters?

PostPosted: Sun Nov 02, 2014 3:14 pm
by Thominator
I won't vote yet, as it's still too early, but Z², War Princess and Deathray do stand out for me at this moment.

Re: Your favourite song on Dark Matters?

PostPosted: Sun Nov 02, 2014 10:29 pm
by pandemic
the last 3 mins of Ziltoidian Empire is probably my most favorite thing dev has done in years

Re: Your favourite song on Dark Matters?

PostPosted: Sun Nov 02, 2014 10:31 pm
by pandemic
pandemic wrote:the last 3 mins of Ziltoidian Empire is probably my most favorite thing dev has done in years

On Earth... i mean March of the Poozers would be my 2nd pick
and epic to pass up

Re: Your favourite song on Dark Matters?

PostPosted: Mon Nov 03, 2014 3:40 am
by Faffy
Ziltoid Goes Home and War Princess are easily my favourites.
Not sure about the third. Deathray perhaps. Which is funny considering I didn't like it much at first.

Re: Your favourite song on Dark Matters?

PostPosted: Mon Nov 03, 2014 11:01 am
by KeasbyNights
Had to change one of mine to Deathray, that song is really sticking with me lately. So fucking fun to yell along with the lines, "Half of you are evil! Half of you abstain!" So good. I reeeeeeally hope they play that one live.

Re: Your favourite song on Dark Matters?

PostPosted: Mon Nov 03, 2014 12:05 pm
by Jaglavak
I went with Ziltoidian Empire, War Princess and Ziltoid Goes Home.

Overall I've found Dark Matters pretty disappointing over my first 10+ spins (another discussion for another day I suppose), but almost every track has at least one phenomenal moment that earns it repeat listens. Love the reprisal of the keyboard melody in Z2 - and how much heavier it gets! - and the break with Dominique in March of the Poozers is sublime... but like I said, it's the three tracks above that really do it for me. The "I am no one / I am no where" break in Ziltodian Empire might just be the most jaw-dropping moment on the entire disc, and the first minute or so of Ziltoid Goes Home has been my jam lately. Say what you will about lack of melody and whatnot (a fair criticism), but it's absolutely brutal - the production on the guitar / drums is so unbelievably thick and punchy and Dev sounds so much like SYL Dev it isn't even funny. Just nasty. Kinda bummed he didn't just run with that for the whole track (because I feel like it loses a lot of momentum after the opening blast), but I still hope he plays it on the upcoming tour. From the sound of things it'd translate really well in a live setting.

Special shout-out to Ryan for the mindblowing drum grooves scattered all over the album... it's insane how he just erupts at points and then goes back to keeping the beat like nothing ever happened! haha

Re: Your favourite song on Dark Matters?

PostPosted: Tue Nov 04, 2014 10:19 am
by fragility
Seconded on Ryan's performance.

I'm swinging back and forth a bit, but if say War Princess, Ziltoid Goes Home, From Sleep Awake and March of the Poozers. Haven't quite figured out my top 3 yet

I typod that as "Ear Princess" to start with...not quite right, but I feel that should be a song somewhere at some point

Re: Your favourite song on Dark Matters?

PostPosted: Tue Nov 04, 2014 3:18 pm
by Cornemuse
March of the Poozers. Isn't it a fuckin raggae shank made with a fuckin choir ? I can't stop laughing and dancing on this.

Re: Your favourite song on Dark Matters?

PostPosted: Wed Nov 05, 2014 5:23 am
by Bookwyrm83
My (nose)picks are Deathray, Ziltoid Goes Home and Dimension Z. Heavy, fun and compelling.
Honorable mentions to March of the Poozers, Earth and War Princess. Indeed.