Hey Devyfans!
Since the album is out today, I'm really curious what your opinions are. Since it is often the case that opinions about an album change the more you listen to it (that was the case for me with the first Ziltoid), my idea was to have a "first impressions" thread.
Rule: You only listened to the album a single time. Could be interesting to see if and how much favorites change after a while
. Favorite songs, specific opinions about songs, a general opinion, everything's fine.
Since the album is out today, I'm really curious what your opinions are. Since it is often the case that opinions about an album change the more you listen to it (that was the case for me with the first Ziltoid), my idea was to have a "first impressions" thread.
Rule: You only listened to the album a single time. Could be interesting to see if and how much favorites change after a while