This is my request, wish me the best
#271760 by JSchaffer
Tue Jun 21, 2011 11:06 am
I bought the "Special Edition" that has both albums and the 7inch (got the package yesterday). It was $24. I bought it from the first preorder link that said it was gonna have ghost 2 in full. Then it said 4 songs. And now that link (hadnt looked at it till today) doesnt mention it at all. So maybe im not entitled to it? Im so confused.
#271762 by AppleQueso
Tue Jun 21, 2011 11:15 am
catharsis wrote:
JSchaffer wrote:Yeah, cmdistro. Tried emailing and got no response. Perhaps a private message?

was there a "barebones" preorder option that had just the albums (i.e. no vinyl)? i can't remember, but maybe there was an option that didn't come with the ghost 2 tracks. how much money was your order?

I had my order changed to the barebones one because it was cheaper, but I still go the bonus tracks. I'm pretty sure they come with all of the cm distro orders.
#271766 by stubear280
Tue Jun 21, 2011 11:32 am
Regulated1000 wrote:
stubear280 wrote:Just listened to "Mend". I think it's beautiful. It's good to see someone else embracing bass as an ambient instrument, other than Bill Laswell. It works really well, and gives it a nice thick mood.


Also, thanks again for the trade, man!

Thank you as well, good sir! It's hard to get every edition of the preorder!
#271767 by Octillus
Tue Jun 21, 2011 11:34 am
...If you guys can go about this a little more discretely in the future it'd be appreciated. I realize this was given out and you've all preordered the albums, but we can't abide everyone just asking for people to PM things to each other rather than just outright PMing each other without posting about it.

Thanks, gents.
#271770 by stubear280
Tue Jun 21, 2011 11:45 am
Octillus wrote:...If you guys can go about this a little more discretely in the future it'd be appreciated. I realize this was given out and you've all preordered the albums, but we can't abide everyone just asking for people to PM things to each other rather than just outright PMing each other without posting about it.

Thanks, gents.

Sure thing. Sorry about the trouble didn't mean to rock the boat. Many thanks for the warning. :D
#271771 by Octillus
Tue Jun 21, 2011 11:49 am
oh, no worries. I just know this was a label deal, and I don't know if they'd be too stoked about people passing around their pre order bonuses (as ridiculously confusing and vague as they have been)
#271774 by stubear280
Tue Jun 21, 2011 12:04 pm
Octillus wrote:oh, no worries. I just know this was a label deal, and I don't know if they'd be too stoked about people passing around their pre order bonuses (as ridiculously confusing and vague as they have been)

Good point. I wish they would've just included Ghost 2 in it's entirety as a bonus disk, or something. That would have been so much easier than trying to pick which pre order to get, so you can get certain songs. Whole Ghost 2 would've made a tasty addition to the mega bundle they were offering.
#271780 by Guitarzan
Tue Jun 21, 2011 12:44 pm
My download was "interrupted" and now it won't let me download it again.


Goddammit can't even find a number to call Insideout Music about this.
#271782 by catharsis
Tue Jun 21, 2011 12:56 pm
JSchaffer wrote:I bought the "Special Edition" that has both albums and the 7inch (got the package yesterday). It was $24. I bought it from the first preorder link that said it was gonna have ghost 2 in full. Then it said 4 songs. And now that link (hadnt looked at it till today) doesnt mention it at all. So maybe im not entitled to it? Im so confused.

are you sure? i paid about $30 which included the 7". what they have listed now is $24 with no mention of the 7" OR the ghost 2 tracks. so did the price drop?
#271784 by Lolliklauer
Tue Jun 21, 2011 1:19 pm
LeperMessiah1170 wrote:I find these songs to be absolutely fantastic! I freaking love Mend and Watch you.

I can already tell, Ghost 2 > Ghost, at least for me.

+ 1
#271873 by sylkicks
Tue Jun 21, 2011 8:37 pm
Wait... all the preorders should have gotten the Ghost 2 download? Even the basic, just-the-albums one? If so... I got screwed haha.
#271883 by static2
Tue Jun 21, 2011 8:48 pm
no, so far it seems to be the CM Distro and InsideOut package preorders, i think. y'know, the ones that advertised the downloads (not the normal, separate ones).
#271887 by No OnE
Tue Jun 21, 2011 9:08 pm
The 4 tracks are great, can't wait for the whole thing! By the sounds of it, I should be extra thankful that my download worked like advertised!
#271903 by elscardo
Tue Jun 21, 2011 10:52 pm
When I pre-ordered on the first day from CMDistro (tshirt, vinyl, 2 cds, etc) they had "Plus Ghost 2 Digital Download".
A day or 2 later, they changed it to "4 songs form Ghost 2!". This is when Dev decided it was going to be a full album, not just B-sides.
#271931 by Abnormal Freak
Wed Jun 22, 2011 1:55 am
shredi knight wrote:
Abnormal Freak wrote:Is there any kind of track order to this Ghost II sampler, or is it just like, "Here are four songs from this upcoming album—listen to 'em however you please"? There's no numbering on the file names nor tags nor InsideOut download site nor...

By the way, bought my Deconstruction/Ghost set through CM and got the download info not even an hour ago.

They come in alphabetical order in the zip file from CM (at least mine did), but after listening to the very beginning/ending of each song next to each other, the "flow" seems to be this:

1. Drench
2. Mend
3. Fall
4. Watch You

Thanks. I haven't listened to the tracks yet but was curious how to tag them. I'll give 'em a listen in this order and see if it all lines up.

Anyway, hopefully Ghost II really will be a full album and didn't just fall to the wayside. I was excited to pre-order from CM and get the full thing; then they change the info to just four tracks, pah! But, if it means a full, physical release in the future, I'm all for it. :)

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