The time has come to forget all the bullshit and ROCK!
#308982 by Octillus
Wed Sep 19, 2012 11:25 am
TerminX wrote:
ppinkham wrote:
TerminX wrote:Are the iTunes tracks of the Epiclouder "demo" quality, or as largely produced as Epicloud?

Gonna go download 'em once my copy gets here.

Very well-produced demos. I take it you haven't heard any of "Epiclouder' yet? Same quality. Most bands wished their final albums sounded as good as these demos. lol

I haven't, but Dev's previous "demo" material has been pretty high quality before. Which is why I put quotes around "demo"

It's basically Terria production
#309009 by stubear280
Wed Sep 19, 2012 5:51 pm
Got my copy today!! Still haven't listened to Epiclouder, but I love Epicloud. I read in the notes that the ending of one of the songs was deliberately influenced by 'Learning to Fly' by Pink Floyd, which makes me giddy to listen!!
#309035 by The Oid
Wed Sep 19, 2012 10:10 pm
Managed to get a copy of this yesterday, after much faffing around. Who'd have thought it'd be harder to find a copy of the new Devin Townsend album in one of the biggest cities in Canada, than it is in a city of 150K people in Scotland? Certainly not me! Note to self, sauntering down to HMV or the like on release day is a recipe for disappointment in North America. I can see why so many people had such a big boner about preordering things, even before the days of preorder bonuses.

Really enjoying it so far. Physicist was actually one of my favourite Devin albums, and there are a lot of parallels here. Being crap at picking out lyrics, and not knowing the context of the album at the time, Physicist came across to me the way that Epicloud is apparently intended to me. Really positive, heavy music. (That said, a lot of SYL makes me feel the same way, because I don't tend to listen to heavy music to get angry, even if it was written as an expression of anger)

Grace is the business. I'm a sucker for Meshuggah style riffing, and the epic choir reminds me a lot of what made me love Rain on the first SYL album. The lack of lyrics doesn't bother me all that much, Devoid from Physicist is one of my favourite Devin Townsend songs, and it's not exactly bursting with lyrics. The Kingdom remake is interesting. A lot stronger in many places (vocals especially), but missing some of the things I loved about the original (like the way "I'm fine" is cut together in the background in such a way that it seems to go on forever) still good though. Love "where we belong", actually been listening to that one for the past few months from that youtube video that it's superimposed on.

Really like the autotuned Anneke vocals in places too (like the start of True North), reminds me of cheesy electronic music, in a good way. Not much of a fan of Lucky Animals, but it's catchy.

Liked some tracks on Epiclouder, but couldn't tell you which ones they are, as I've not had a proper chance to take it in yet.
#309096 by pandemic
Thu Sep 20, 2012 2:17 pm
bonekrap44 wrote:
Fjar wrote:At the end of Liberation, all I can hear is "DUDE! DUDE! DUDE!". It's kind of off-putting.

Yess i know!!! I heard that the first time and now thats all i can hear!

i like that.
#309163 by EphelDuath666
Fri Sep 21, 2012 1:50 pm
OK, here we go. I love Epicloud a whole lot, I must say. It has that classic Devin Townsend feel to it that just takes my mind to another place. I love the thick layer of optimism all over this album. Sure, parts of 'Lucky Animals' may get on my balls quickly but that is just a very small negative compared to the many positives on this Album.
'Where we belong' might just be my song of the year. Liberation is tons of fun, Grace is awesome and was made for a big stadium (although the last 'never fear love' bit...I could have lived without it), the new version of Kingdom is great too. I wouldn't say it's better or worse than the original as both versions include things that I would not want to miss anymore. Angel is amazing too. Sure there's a certain amount of monotony to it and some of the other songs but you could say the same thing about some songs on Infinity, for example. To me it's more hypnotic than monotoneous. And boy do I love that Effervescent gospel outro at the end of the record. I might have to change my mind here and say that Little Pig might have fit in wonderfully in between Angel and that outro.
#309189 by gurp13
Fri Sep 21, 2012 10:51 pm
Having had a few more listens, I very much enjoy Epicloud. I don't like Lucky Animals, though. I have even considered making a playlist of the album without it. I am a bit ambivalent about Liberation. So, I find myself starting with "Where We Belong." Love that song! I think the album pretty much kicks ass the rest of the way. I don't understand any hate for "Grace.
#309194 by Marijn
Sat Sep 22, 2012 4:59 am
After a few listens, my conclusion is as follows:

Beautiful sounding album with lots of good songs (True North, Liberation, Grace, Where We Belong) but it does not give me the euphoric 'new DT album' feeling that I did experience with the other DTP releases. I really enjoy listening to Epicloud, but I do not prefer it to any of the four DTP albums...

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