The time has come to forget all the bullshit and ROCK!
#307952 by ShortSonata
Fri Sep 07, 2012 12:01 pm
drukore wrote:it's like I'm making out with the most beautiful girl in slow motion and someone throws a giant glazed ham at us when that track comes after True North. lol...after its done Liberation is like the "hey girl, lets get into my car and go somewhere they can't throw a giant ham at us while we're making out in slow motion..." so we drive really effin fast and get to a mountain overlooking everything and go back to sexy time in slow motion to the rest of the album.

You have no idea how much I laughed.
#307953 by ppinkham
Fri Sep 07, 2012 12:07 pm
drukore wrote:Is it me or does Lucky Animals just really not fit on the album? There seems to be this giant angelic vibe for most the album but Lucky Animals kind of...I dunno, it's like I'm making out with the most beautiful girl in slow motion and someone throws a giant glazed ham at us when that track comes after True North. lol...after its done Liberation is like the "hey girl, lets get into my car and go somewhere they can't throw a giant ham at us while we're making out in slow motion..." so we drive really effin fast and get to a mountain overlooking everything and go back to sexy time in slow motion to the rest of the album.

Beautiful girl + glazed ham + Devin = Trifecta.
#307958 by drukore
Fri Sep 07, 2012 1:03 pm
ShortSonata wrote:
drukore wrote:it's like I'm making out with the most beautiful girl in slow motion and someone throws a giant glazed ham at us when that track comes after True North. lol...after its done Liberation is like the "hey girl, lets get into my car and go somewhere they can't throw a giant ham at us while we're making out in slow motion..." so we drive really effin fast and get to a mountain overlooking everything and go back to sexy time in slow motion to the rest of the album.

You have no idea how much I laughed.


Yeah by the time we're back on the mountain over looking everything, back to slow motion sexy time with "Where we belong". Same with "Angel". Next time sexytime happens with the female, I'm going to have to tell her "hold on, I gotta put Devin Townsend on the iPod!!!"
#307959 by drukore
Fri Sep 07, 2012 1:07 pm
as a total side note...doesn't the chorus to "Save Our Now" sound like...if you took out the could be in the explosive part of an action movie trailer...where the screen keeps flashing the poster slogan with the edited in action scenes?

black screen "GET READY FOR THE RIDE"
black screen "OF A LIFETIME"

Man I love the pictures Devin's music puts in my head lol.
#307961 by drukore
Fri Sep 07, 2012 1:25 pm
Kong89 wrote:Can't wait to get a rip of this off my copy when it arrives, then I'll really be able to blast it out.

Save Our Now through to Grace are perhaps my favourite twenty minutes of music ever recorded. I mean, wow. Such massive goosebumps listening to Grace.

From Liberation to Angel is slowly taking that title away from the whole City album. I can't stop listening to it. I swear Dev is the real life Wyld Stallinz, set to unify the world with positive epic nerd metal.
#307969 by Fadefury
Fri Sep 07, 2012 3:57 pm
Hopefully this isn't too much of a personal question, but does Devin still deal with Bi-polar disorder? I myself do, and never was under the knowledge that you grow out of it, or can get past it. I only ask this in regards to Epicloud which is beyond filled with happiness and good vibes and how I haven't really seen the opposite side of that in Devin's music lately. Yes, one could say, well you have Deconstruction, but didn't he say that was more of a forced sound for him now? I guess I'm just really interested in what happened, or changed, or what he learned that has made such a positive impact because I want some!
#307982 by TerminX
Fri Sep 07, 2012 7:35 pm
Telescopes Are Gay wrote:Alright my mind is reeling at processing at the extra bonus tracks. According to this site, there's 2 more bonus tracks from the iTunes edition. Has this actually been confirmed? I don't see anything about it on Wikipedia or anywhere else.

This is the first I've heard of that.

So we get "Epicloud" from the vinyl, "Cry Forever" and "Take My Ego" from iTunes, and the whole Epiclouder disc from the digipack.

Fuck. I am kind of annoyed at how many times you'd have to purchase this album to have the "full" version, but I'll happily take a few extra tracks.
#307983 by Telescopes Are Gay
Fri Sep 07, 2012 7:43 pm
TerminX wrote:
Telescopes Are Gay wrote:Alright my mind is reeling at processing at the extra bonus tracks. According to this site, there's 2 more bonus tracks from the iTunes edition. Has this actually been confirmed? I don't see anything about it on Wikipedia or anywhere else.

This is the first I've heard of that.

So we get "Epicloud" from the vinyl, "Cry Forever" and "Take My Ego" from iTunes, and the whole Epiclouder disc from the digipack.

Fuck. I am kind of annoyed at how many times you'd have to purchase this album to have the "full" version, but I'll happily take a few extra tracks.

It's all incentive. Besides, it's not like you can just uh, "obtain" the other tracks anyway.

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