After two listens, 'Lessons', 'Hold On' and 'Lucky Animals' are my snooze moments. Everything else is fantastic. 

RandomAnalysis wrote:I keep hearing about this demo version of "Where We Belong," but I can't say I've ever heard it. Would anyone care to point or link me to it in some fashion?
swervedriver wrote:RandomAnalysis wrote:I keep hearing about this demo version of "Where We Belong," but I can't say I've ever heard it. Would anyone care to point or link me to it in some fashion?
hunter_mc wrote:FUBAR wrote:KerfuffleinaHussle wrote:True North: There's some really good ideas at work here (particularly the "Hey there, what has come into your royal mind?" and "Where do we go from here?" sections), but all these separate ideas and parts feel too 'thrown-together' to me, much like 'Jupiter' on Physicist. It all comes across a little messy and unstructured. Still, very good.
Where We Belong: For whatever reason, the demos and live acoustic versions posted before the album's release sounded better than this final version. Well, maybe not better, but I just don't feel this song works when it's as big and overblown as Epicloud is.
Been thinking the same about these two. It's kinda bugging me that the demo version on WWB sounded better. Oh well still a quality track.
Yeah, I would agree on True North, it does kinda feel thrown together to me, too. But I also see that it's other people's favorite song, so to each their own. I
In my experience, I often prefer the version of the song that I've heard first, whether it was a live bootleg, demo, or the album version. So if I hear the demo first, then the album version may seem kind of stiff and lifeless or overproduced in comparison. On the other hand, if I hear the album version first, the demo may seem kind of sloppy in comparison. I guess what I'm trying to say is that the version I hear first sets the tone by which I will mentally compare any subsequent versions.
RandomAnalysis wrote:swervedriver wrote:RandomAnalysis wrote:I keep hearing about this demo version of "Where We Belong," but I can't say I've ever heard it. Would anyone care to point or link me to it in some fashion?
Thanks. Though, having now heard it, I don't get the backlash against the album version. To my ears, they sound relatively the same. Close enough, at least, for it to baffle me that people could love one and react so negatively to the other. Maybe it's just a matter of people liking what they heard first more, as someone in here already suggested.
pandemic wrote:its like people who think the american version of "the office" is better then the u.k version
Telescopes Are Gay wrote:I'd like to see an intrepid audio engineer mix together the Physicist and Epicloud version of Kingdom. I did a half assed job of doing it on YoutubeDoubler but the vocal placement is out of sync.
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